Chapter 23 Peeta's 2 dates

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Chapter 23 Peeta’s 2 dates

Peeta wakes up in a rather large in a near panic until he hears the ocean waves crashing on the shore coming from the open window reminding him he was in District 4. He looks over and sees a sleeping figure. Before he can panic about who it is, the figure rolls over and Peeta recognizes Brutus’ sleeping face. Peeta then recalls that Finnick offered them his master bedroom, insisted really.

As he lies there, he thinks about the dates for today, one with Leonitus and the other with Cato. To his shock and surprise, he finds himself looking forward to his date with Leonitus. But he can’t pin point exactly why. He supposes that it could be because he is excited to go to the carnival on the pier. He’s never been to one. Before he has a chance to decide it’s time to get out of bed, there’s a knock on the door. The door flies open causing Brutus to fall out of bed.

“Good morning you two,” Cinna says entering the room. “Sorry Brutus, I did knock first,” he adds noticing Brutus sitting up on the floor with a scowl on his face.

“Its fine Cinna,” Brutus replies as he sits back on the bed. He notices Finnick and Leonitus standing behind Cinna. “I take it that it’s time to start getting ready then?” he asks gesturing to the pair behind Cinna.

“Yes it is,” Cinna tells him. “Portia is going to get the girls ready today and I’m doing the 4 of you.”

“Well then, let’s get started,” Brutus comments before turning to face Finnick and Leonitus. “Good morning you two. Are you ready for this morning?” he asks.

“Good morning Brutus. Yes we are ready,” they both replied at the same time, causing all 5 men in the room to smile.

“Did you two sleep well?” Finnick asks as he and Leonitus move closer to the bed.

“I slept very well,” Brutus answers. “Peeta?”

“I did as well. No nightmares or anything,” Peeta replies rather shyly. He turns to look at Finnick. “Thank you again for giving us your room Finnick.”

“You are very welcome Peeta,” Finnick replies with a small smile. “It was the best option for the situation.

Peeta only nodded. He couldn’t stay in one of the other rooms as Cato was in one and Leonitus was in the other. Finnick was eventually assigned to the room with Leonitus. And even though he’s gay, it just wouldn’t be proper to stay in one of the room’s with the girls either.

“Alright,” Cinna says clapping his hands. “I have breakfast being brought up here. As soon as you’re done eating, you’ll start getting dressed and ready to go.”

Just then Cato, Gale, Rie, and Wheet enter each carrying a chair. Right behind them was Marvel and Tavin carrying a small folding table. The six boys quickly get the table and chairs set up and leave the slightly crowded room.

Next Clove, Katniss, Madge, and Delly enter, each carrying a tray with a covered plate, a glass of orange juice, and silverware wrapped in a cloth napkin. As with the guys moments ago, they quickly and quietly place the items on the table and leave.

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