AU. Instead of your favorite Hunger games characters starting to meet in the 74th annual games, they meet at the 75th. All hunger game characters will show up at some point in the story. All Characters and places in story belong to Suzanne Collins. I OWN NOTHING!!!!!
The Games We Played
Chapter 1 – Peeta’s past
Peeta sat by the window, watching the scenery passing by, and reflecting on his life. He can remember the turning point clearly. He was eleven. It was raining hard especially for April. His mother had heard a noise outside and went to check it out. When she came back in, she was muttering something about ‘seam trash’ and ‘calling the Peacekeepers’. Peeta looked out the window and saw a huddled figure leaning on their sad little tree next to the pigpen. He instantly recognized the figure because of the braid – it was his classmate and friend Katniss Everdeen. 'Didn’t her father die recently?’ he thought.
“Get that bread out of the oven before it burns you pathetic little fool!” his mother yelled.
Peeta purposely dropped two loaves of bread into the fire of the oven. He knew that it would cost him but she was worth it. And when he pulled out the two burnt loaves, his mother was right there. She grabbed the rolling pin lying on the counter next to him and smacked him upside the right side of his face.
“You fool! Who will buy burnt bread? Throw it to the pigs! I should just keep you out there with them! You about as useful as they are! Wait, they are more useful!” she spat at him.
“Yes ma’am” he replies.
He grabs the burnt bread. As he walks to the back door, he hears the bell over the front door ring signaling a customer. He thought his luck might just be changing. He walks down the back porch towards the pen. He glances at the window to make sure his mother wasn’t watching him. He doesn’t see her so he tosses one than the other of the two loaves towards the tree and Katniss. As he’s walking towards the back door, he sees Katniss snatch the bread off the ground and run away. What he didn’t see was his mother watching the same scene from the window on the back door. As Peeta opened the door, his mother starts to hit him. He doesn’t see what he’s being hit with but it really hurt! He tries to protect himself as best he can but it’s no use.
The last thing his mind registers before everything goes black is hearing his mother say, “You are no longer a member of this family! Do NOT ever show your face around this bakery again!”
13 year old Gale Hawthorne was walking home from the Hob when he found the unconscious Peeta bleeding pretty bad in the middle of the street. He looked towards the bakery and saw his friend Rie inside alone. Gale runs to the bakery and goes in. Rie sees him.
“If this is about Peeta, mom disowned him and kicked him out. We’re not allowed to help or talk to him. Take care of him Gale.” He says before turning and walking to the back of the bakery.
Gale runs back to Peeta and takes him to the one person who could help him, Mrs. Everdeen.