Chapter 26 Peeta has Returned (but not alone?)
Cato and Peeta sit in the hallway, unaware that they have been left totally alone. Of course they were unaware that the others had seen Peeta’s return as well.
Shaking like a leaf, Peeta tells Cato of what happened to him when Brutus left him alone in the kitchen until he walked in the door and into Cato’s arms. As he tells the tale, Cato holds Peeta in his lap. Rubbing gentle circles on the younger man’s back. By the time Cato hears the story of Glimmer and Thresh’s deaths; he can feel that Peeta had stopped shaking.
“We should probably go join the others now,” Cato says moments later after Peeta finished the tale. “Otherwise Boggs will send someone out here for us.”
Peeta wraps his arms and legs around tighter around Cato. “Just a few more minutes please?” he pleads, his face buried in Cato’s neck.
Cato, relishing in the feeling of Peeta in his arms and softly breathing on his neck, moans quietly. “Sure Love.” he says.
Back in the office, everyone is relieved Peeta is back and are very anxious to hear his story.
“Do you really think it was Glimmer?” Katniss asks aloud.
“We just have to wait until Cato calms Peeta down enough to find out,” Brutus replies.
“Muscles can do it. He and Peeta share a connection. When one is upset, the other is there to calm them,” Clove says. “It’s been that was since the arena.”
“I’d say since the training center,” Gale says smiling at Clove. “Cato was helpful with Peeta dealing with Finnick’s obsession.” He turns to Finnick. “Sorry man.”
“Nah, it’s all good. I was pretty stuck on getting him back,” Finnick admits shrugging. “He did look pretty hot in his parade outfit though…”
“It’s true love,” Marvel says shocking everyone. “What?” he asks seeing their stunned faces. “My parents are the same way.”
“He’s telling the truth. Just a look or a touch from mom and dad calms right down,” Tavin adds with a slight out of this world look on his face. “And the same goes when mom is upset and dad calms her.”
“Peeta was shaking pretty bad,” Wheet notes.
“I wonder what the task was,” Rie ponders.
“Whatever it was, I bet it was the cause of the tremors,” Johanna says knowingly. “Bread boy is one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. And I don’t mean physically.”
“I’ve always thought that too,” Gale says agreeing. “He’s been strong for so long.”
“Even the strongest can have3 moments of weakness,” Madge says. “We all expect Peeta to be this pillar of strength. It’s the façade he’s always shown. The question is: are we putting too much expectation on him?”