Chapter 18: Peeta and the Sniper Squad go on their mission

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Chapter 18: Peeta and the Sniper Squad go on their mission

The morning after Fennel and Hazelle announced their relationship, Peeta and the other squad members were called into Coins office and were given their first mission. Coin informed them that Snow was planning on sending one of his own ‘tribute soldiers’ to District 8 to try to bring them back under Capitol control. His soldier would arrive in the district in 3 days’ time. As Snow’s team wasn’t to arrive until in the afternoon, the team would arrive in the morning and coordinate with the team leader there. Boggs was given the order to work with his team and figure out strategies and training. The group was to spend all their training time with Boggs. There was no idea how long they’d be there.

The day before they were to leave, Coin called Katniss, Wheet, and Peeta into her office. When they arrived, they saw Boggs and Haymitch there as well. They were a little confused.

“Before you three leave tomorrow, I’m sending you to District 12 to see the damage Snow caused. I think it will help you with your mission, to keep in mind what Snow is capable of,” she tells them. “You may take one person with you as support as I realize this will be difficult. You leave in 2 hours. That is all.”

Peeta immediately looks for Cato in the dining hall. He can feel Katniss and Wheet behind him, just as worried as himself.

“There you are, I got you -” Cato begins before he sees Peeta’s pale face. “You okay? What happened?” he asks standing up to get a better look at Peeta.

“Coin is sending Katniss, Wheet, and I to District 12 in an hour,” Peeta says quietly. “I’m allowed to bring someone with me. Will you come?”

“Yes, of course,” Cato replies. “But what about my classes?” he asks a little skeptical.

“I don’t know. She never said,” Peeta looks up at Cato, scared he’ll change his mind. “Do you not want to come with me?”

“What? No, I’m definitely coming with you. I was just curious,” Cato says hugging Peeta to him to reassure him.

“Oh, good,” Peeta says with relief. They sit down and quickly eat. They see Cato’s dad and fill him in on what’s happening. Maxamillian looks at Peeta and tells him that if he ever needs to talk, he is always available. Peeta is touched by the offer and thanks him.

As they walk out of the dining hall, Boggs sends them down to Beetee to dress in their propo outfits as Coin would like their visit filmed. They are to grab their special weapons as well, just in case. Peeta is not happy that he will be filmed seeing the devastation of his home.

The 2 boys arrive in the special weapons room and are a little surprised to see Portia, Tigris, and Cinna there. As they change, they see Katniss, Marvel, Wheet, and Johanna come in to get ready. Cato grabs 2 swords as Peeta grabs a bow, a quiver of arrows, and several knives. Beetee makes sure they have their bracelets and they all head to the hangar together.

Boggs leads them to the hovercraft and there they see Cressida, Pollux, and Castor. Haymitch and Finnick board soon after and they take off. Peeta isn’t surprised to see Finnick there as Haymitch’s support. The 45 minute flight is nerve-wracking for Peeta and Cato holds his hand, rubbing his thumb along Peeta’s knuckles to calm him. They both had heard about the bombings from Thom and the other members of Peeta’s family and friends.

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