Chapter 15 Missing

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Chapter 15 Missing

When we left off, President Coin, the new soldiers, and the mentors had just watched the 6 remaining tributes from the arena get executed on live television.

Back in the Meeting Room

Delly turns to Coin and asks, “Madam President, does Snow know where we are? Does he know we’re here in District 13?”

“No soldier Cartwright, at this time he does not know you are here,” answers Coin. “Once we begin shooting and airing the propos, he will learn of it though. Of that you can be certain.” She takes a moment to gather her thoughts. “In light of what we just witnessed, I’m going to give you the rest of the day off to explore. I sincerely hope you use this time and opportunity to learn where your training rooms are and to visit with your families. Beginning tomorrow, you will receive your schedules and you may not get this chance again for a while. You’re dismissed.” As they get up to leave, Coin speaks again, “Soldier Peeta Mellark and soldier Cato Canelos, would you mind staying back a moment.” It wasn’t a question.

The 2 boys sit back down and wait for the others to leave. As soon as the room cleared, she turns to Peeta, “Soldier Mellark, I believe this belongs to you.” She goes over to a table and grabs the sketch book and pencils and hands them to him. “They were mistakenly taken to the art center. I took the liberty to look at your work. I must say I’m impressed with your work. I was hoping that you’d be willing to help me come up with a new slogan and poster for the war effort.”

Peeta takes the book and pencils, shocked and embarrassed, before replying, “I’d be happy and honored Madam President. Thank you.”

She nods at him before turning to Cato, “Soldier Canelos, your father has agreed to become an instructor for the hand-to-hand combat training for our younger trainees. He has asked that you be allowed to come help him as you did back home. I agreed, on one condition – you will have to make up any and all training you miss at the end of the day or on weekends during free time. Will you accept these terms?”

Cato looks up at Coin, “Yes Madam President, I accept. Thank you.” He replies.

“Excellent. You two are free to go now.” She says dismissively.

The boys walk out the door and are surprised to see who appear to be waiting for them. Delly, Rie, and Wheet turn to look at the couple as they walk towards them, hand in hand.

“Dad sent a message that he’d like us to join him in his room,” Rie says.

“Cato’s invited as well,” Delly adds smiling.

Peeta looks up at Cato, who can see that the younger blonde was hoping they’d get some time alone to explore, among other things. Cato shrugs and says, “Why not? When we’re done we can go see Posy, then go explore.”

“Let’s go see dad,” Peeta says disgruntled, wishing Cato could’ve gotten them out of it.

Cato grabs Peeta’s hand as they follow the others to the elevator. He leans down to whisper, “The sooner we do this the sooner we can be alone.”

Peeta looks up at him amazed that he hadn’t thought of that. He gives Cato a smile before kissing his cheek as the elevator doors open and they all get in.

Wheet and Rie lead the way to their dad’s door, keeping Delly between them. They find the door located between the Everdeen’s and the Hawthorne’s – which helps Cato and Peeta for later. Before either of the older brothers could knock on the door, Delly grabs their hands. They look down at her concerned. “What’s the matter Dells” asks Rie using her childhood nickname. “You know dad. You’ve even baked with us before. Why so nervous?”

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