Chapter 22: Leonitus’ Confession and Going to District 4
Leonitus walks into the dining tent with his two guards. Cato told him to sit with him and the rest of the group when he gets his dinner. He quickly grabs his food and turns to look for Cato, his nerves on edge. If he doesn’t find him soon, he may never get this chance again.
“Leonitus, over here,” he hears coming from his right. He turns and sees Finnick waving him over. He looks to his two guards who just shrug. They follow him towards the group quietly. As he arrives at the table, he suddenly gets the urge to run.
“It’s okay Leonitus,” Cato says. “I told everyone you’d be joining us. Please sit,” he adds gesturing at a chair to his right.
Leonitus sits in the chair at the end of the table. Finnick is seated to his right and Cato to his left. Not a comfortable spot to be in his position. Especially knowing that everyone hates him for what happened with Peeta back in 13 and want to kill him. He’s going to try to prove everyone that he is different.
“Thank you for allowing me to join you all,” he says as he takes his seat.
“Well, Cato said you wanted to tell us all something and even went through the trouble to include Peeta Bread here,” Clove says. “I still don’t trust you but I do trust Cato – with my life. He said this was important.” She points a fork at him, “If I even think you are messing with us, you’ll regret ever being born!”
“Clove!” exclaims Finnick.
Leonitus puts his hand on Finnick’s arm. “It’s okay Finnick. I expected her to say something like that. It’s who she is and I find it an admirable trait really. She shouldn’t change just because I sat here. Just let her be please.” He can feel the shocked looks towards him and he chuckles. “Why don’t we eat before I tell you my story?”
Everyone nods and they quickly begin to eat. Once finished, they all eventually turn towards Leonitus expectantly.
“Alright Leon, what is it that you wanted to say to us?” Asks Johanna snidely.
“Johanna!” exclaims Finnick again. “What is it with all the rudeness towards Leonitus? Just give the guy a second to gather his thoughts.”
“Listen here Fish Boy – ” Johanna begins.
“Enough!” Peeta yells. “Can we all just calm down and listen to what he has to say?”
“I agree with Peeta,” Cato says. “He said he’d tell us and I believe he will.” He turns to Leonitus, “I don’t mean to be rude but you may want to start soon.”
“It’s fine Cato. You’re being rather nice considering everything,” Leonitus says to Cato. He turns to Finnick, “And thanks for sticking up for me.” He looks down and sighs before looking back up and faces the others. “What I’m about to tell you is in NO way to excuse my behavior but hopefully an explanation,” he begins.