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It had been almost four years since Olivia had been sorted into Slytherin house by the Sorting Hat. Her life, admittedly, had not been any easier in a sense that her Hogwarts experience so far had been anything but normal. She thought she'd have to work that extra bit harder to prove she could fit into Slytherin house, to prove she was truly one of them but she settled in perfectly and she soon realised Slytherin was the house for her.

One of Olivia's biggest worries having been sorted into Slytherin was that the Weasley family would disown her for being placed into said house — but they never did. Ron Weasley loved Olivia even more and she was a well respected student in their year group. Harry Potter had come to befriend her through Ron and then Hermione Granger, whom of which got on with Olivia like a house on fire.

She'd managed to make everyone who knew her proud, proud of how well she excelled in her classes, proud that she wasn't afraid to stand up for herself and others, proud she could speak her mind. Olivia was ambitious, resourceful and cunning — qualities that best described a Slytherin student but that didn't mean to say she didn't possess other qualities too. She was loved widely — for the most part — in her house and was one of the most popular girls within the castle walls.. although if you ever said that to her she'd shrug it off.

Popularity didn't mean much to her, she was just content being her and being with her friends.

Although her third year hadn't been what it was cracked up to be. It was difficult, challenging and at one point scary. She was running away from werewolves, avoiding the wrath of her Head of House and trying to dodge a murderer who turned out to be an innocent man. It was definitely a wild year but it was the first day of term that she remembered most vividly when her new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher didn't believe who she said she was.

"Thank you, Miss?" Professor Lupin had said.

"Warwick, sir." Olivia spoke aloud in front of the whole class. Stood in between her two best friends from her house, Alexis Rosier and Serena Wood.

"Interesting, relations to Jackson and Mary Warwick I'm assuming?" Professor Lupin asked curiously raising a blond brow.

"Uh, yes Professor, did you know them?" Olivia stuttered.

Ron, Harry and Hermione turned to look at Olivia a look of bewilderment plastered on their face, along with the rest of the class, Olivia shot the three a look of pure confusion.

"Indeed I did, it's strange you look nothing alike your parents." Professor Lupin said looking at her intensely.


The fourteen year old stirred in her sleep as someone shook her by her shoulder awake. She'd had little sleep, tossing and turning all night. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary for Olivia, since she'd returned home from finishing her third year at Hogwarts her mind had been plagued with intense dreams she had no explanation for. The person tried again this time shaking harder and voice raising higher.


Hearing the high pitched noice of a boiling kettle screaming in her ears, Olivia scared herself awake and shot out of bed making the person jump back. When she looked to her left moments later she realised it was her father. "Merlin's beard dad I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She heaved, catching her breath and wiping the sweat off her forehead.

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