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The champions and their partners took to the floor to debut in their first dance while the students around them watched. The music that played was elegant and had a steady beat to dance to although not everyone could keep up with it. Olivia couldn't help but notice as Harry stumbled around, stepping on Parvati Patil's toes, messing the moves up as he used the wrong arms and missed the cue for the lifts. She felt for the boy for it was clear dancing wasn't one of his talents.

She was almost thankful when Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall joined the champions on the floor because it took the attention away from Harry's bad dancing. It was the invitation for other students to join the dance and the floor was quickly filled.

Alex turned to Olivia, seeing her watching the couples dance, and he extended his arm out while a smile, "Shall we?"

She glanced up at him and met his eyes with a faint smile. She never expected to lose her train of thought looking at his eyes but she did. Her mind spiralled so quickly in his forest green gaze. His eyes were so striking and vibrant, the colour was beautiful but it didn't make her swoon like she had hoped they would. Instead Olivia compared his eyes to Draco's — which was unfair of her to do — and she found herself listing everything she loved about Draco's captivating gaze.

There he was — Draco — standing a few feet to the side of her with Pansy Parkinson as a date and all she wanted to do was turn around and drag him on to the dance floor with her. She had forgiven him and she wasn't entirely sure why after he'd gone round a roundabout to hurt her. She wanted to kick herself really but she had to suppress her feelings for the time being. Alex was still standing in front of her, smiling at her in a charming way and offering to dance with her.

She boarded her smile and nodded, "Of course."

She followed Alex on to the floor and took the stance ready to join in at where the others had gotten to in the sequence. She placed her hand on Alex's shoulder, holding his other in a soft grip while his other was on her waist. She held his gaze as they began their waltz, their feet doing the work as if they'd memorised the steps for them leaving them both just to gaze in each other's eyes. Alex let go of Olivia's hand and put it on her waist, lifting her in to the air and turning and she put hers on to his shoulders for support.

Once her feet were firmly on the ground again he span her under his arm and disappeared. She frowned for a second until Cedric Diggory smoothly joined her, grasping her hand and continuing the simple routine. He smiled at the bewildering expression on her face and chuckled, "You do know we swap partners in this dance, right?"

"Do I look like I know?" Olivia replied with an arched brow.

"Didn't you practice it in the dance lessons we all had?"

"No, I kind of snuck out of them." She admitted, smiling in amusement.

Cedric rolled his eyes jokingly, "Why am I not surprised?"

She shrugged, "You tell me."

They danced in silence before Cedric said to her, "Did I tell you how grown up you look?"

"Nope." She shook her head.

"Well, you look very grown up." He told her, "And I don't like it, stop growing up."

"Duly noted." She nodded in amusement.

Her narrowed his eyes lightly at her, "So why didn't you tell me who you were going with?"

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