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When the sun rose the next morning Olivia sure what to do with herself. She'd seen every hour through the night, in all honesty she felt like she hadn't even been to sleep. Every time she closed her eyes she saw her parents — dead on the floor of her childhood home. She remembered opening her Hogwarts letter in that kitchen, how excited she'd been to receive it, but now all she thought of was how her parents had been murdered in that same space. All of the happy memories she'd associated with her kitchen were overweighted by the bad memory of them dying.

As extreme as it seemed she felt as if she'd never be able to look at her house again without feeling extreme sorrow. No memory created there would be truly happy now because all she could associate them with was how her parents were dead. She didn't have a home — not anymore.. hers had been destroyed that night, along with her childhood.

All she could think of was what was going to come of her. She was all alone in the world now.. no biological family to turn to. Her grandparents had all passed and her parents were both an old child. Who was she to stay with when even her godparents were dead. The Weasley family was the only family she could think of but they were overcrowded enough as it was. Perhaps she could stay with Hermione, she thought, or Cerdic or Serena maybe.. but she didn't like the idea of being a burden to another family.

She felt as if she was all alone in the world. She knew she wasn't, that she'd always have people by her side, but in this moment of time — while she grieved — it was how she was truly feeling.. and she was scared. The world was big and it was scary to her, especially now when her parents murderer was on the loose. She'd always been taught there was no safer place than Hogwarts but how was she to believe that when she'd almost been killed once and assaulted another time by her bewitched friend. She would never feel safe again. Olivia had lost that luxury the second that person placed Alex under the Imperius curse.

When Madam Promfrey first came to tend to Olivia this morning the school healer had told her she wouldn't be receiving any visitors that day, a decision made by Professor Dumbledore. She didn't understand at first but Madam Pomfrey had informed her she was been transferred over to St. Mungo's Hospital. She had to admit that she wasn't particularly keen on the idea, she didn't like the idea of leaving the grounds and going to London but it appeared she had no choice in the matter.

The dividers around her bed had been drawn and she'd been given a set of clothes to change into, brought to her from her dorm by Serena who wasn't allowed to stay and say hello. It broke Olivia's heart that she couldn't see any of her friends before she had to leave, especially when all she wanted was a hug from them.

Professor Dumbledore arrived to the hospital wing just before noon with both Professor McGonagall and her old Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Remus Lupin, in tow. Olivia wasn't confused before the three arrived but she certainly was afterwards. She couldn't understand what Remus Lupin had to do with any of this, what he had to do with her but the comforting smile he gave her was enough to settle her nerves for at least an hour.

"Miss. Warwick." Dumbledore greeted her with a nod of his head and a kind smile, "Is it mindless of me to ask you how you're feeling today?"

Olivia shook her head as she looked down to her hands in her lap, her elbows resting on her crossed legs, "I didn't get much sleep.. I just keep on thinking about what's going to happen to me now I'm.. well, now I'm an orphan."

The word felt foreign as it rolled off her tongue, it made her feel uneasy, and she swallowed the lump growing in her throat.

"Miss. Warwick, you need not worry your mind over matters like that." Dumbledore told her, "Your parents have ensured you will be well looked after."

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