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It was cold up on the astronomy tower that night but the fire charm casted by Hermione served it's purpose as it kept the four students warm. It was like a small campfire that they'd created and around it they couldn't feel the affects of the March chill that surrounded them so late at night. Thankfully, it was a cloudy night which meant no Astronomy lessons as the view of the stars had been obstructed by the thick layer of dense clouds in the sky.

Olivia had ventured straight to the Gryffindor tower after her lesson with Remus and Professor Snape had concluded and she brought Harry, Ron and Hermione up to the astronomy tower for some privacy. She very much doubted that anyone would eavesdrop on their conversation up on the tower and it seemed a better option than the chaos of Gryffindor common room. It was never calm in there and right now she needed quiet — a headache was already starting to formulate, the last thing she needed was a bunch of students shouting and squealing.

That was one thing she didn't like about the Gryffindors. They never calmed down and so peace was hard to come by in their tower as opposed to her common room. There was always a chilled environment within the walls of the Slytherin common room. It was relaxing, especially after a hard day of classes or exams and she adored it.

Her three friends were confused to say the least when Olivia suggested going up to the tower but they followed her anyways — as curious as ever to listen to what she had to say. They'd been sat there for quite some time as Olivia gazed into the small fire that had been created in a bid to scrape her thoughts together. Her mind was all over the place and while her friends were willing to be patient, the anticipation was killing them.

"Olivia, what's going on?" Ron eventually asked her over a sigh, "You're killing me here."

Hermione elbowed him in the ribs leaving him to grimace in pain as he tried his hardest to suppress a groan but he couldn't manage it. Olivia looked over to see him holding his side in pain as he glared at Hermione and a small smile graced her lips.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you." She said to the three of them as she leaned forwards on her thighs, "But in return I need your secrecy."

"Secrecy?" Hermione repeated with furrowed brows, "What is going on?"

"You haven't murdered someone have you?" Ron asked her.

She shook her head softly while mumbling as a joke, "Not yet." Though she didn't miss the way both Ron and Hermione's eyes widened in slight horror. She shook her head to herself in amusement, "Guys, I'm joking."

"Right." Harry nodded, "Thank god for that."

"I hate it when you say that." Ron mumbled as he looked to Harry, "Who is god? He sounds like some weird geezer my dad would meet at work."

Hermione dropped her head into her hands in despair, "Oh my—" She interrupted herself though and instead released a sigh of despair.

"He's like your Merlin." Harry said to Ron and Olivia as he noticed Hermione's despair.

But that only elicited a groan of frustration from the girl.

Ron's eyes widened, "He's a wizard?"

"No." Hermione exasperated as she looked to Harry, "God is nothing like Merlin."

Olivia, too, turned to despair and she shook her head, "The curiosity's passed. Can we have a little focus, please? This is really important, guys."

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