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September 1st had whipped around at a lightening speed like it did every year. Platform nine and three-quarters was bursting with people — families saying goodbye to their children. Olivia was stood by the back of the platform, where it was a little less crowded, with her mum and dad. Their goodbyes were the same as they were every year, her mum tearful and her dad proud but there was just something about this goodbye to Olivia that felt different from all the rest — it felt permanent.

Mary Warwick kissed her daughters forehead while holding to her shoulders, "Merlin, Olivia, be careful please." She said to her daughter, "You're sending me grey with all these injuries and hospital trips."

And it was true, her mother's hair was starting to grey at the roots and she was still much too young for that to happen. If it wasn't getting trampled on at the Quidditch World Cup it was breaking her wrist falling down a rabbit hole in third year or accidentally running into a wall in her second year.

Not that Olivia meant to but she'd really given her parents a rough go of it since she started Hogwarts. She was accident prone and they were protective.

"I'm sure she'll be as careful as always." Her dad mused. There was a spec of sarcasm in his tone as cracked the joke but it wasn't taken seriously. Olivia never went out of her way to get into trouble, it followed her — or rather it followed Harry and she was always there.

For the pair to hear their daughter had been attacked at a world wide sporting event had really shaken them. It was the least they expected to happen when they sent her off with the Weasleys for a weekend. They were besides themselves when they received Arthur Weasley's patronus and even more so when they found their daughter sat in St. Mungo's hospital with a white bandage wrapped around her head.

The Daily Prophet had covered the full story of exactly what had happened that night on the grounds. It was an attack orchestrated by ex-supporters of he-who-must-not-be-named — or Voldemort — for a reason unknown. They targeted mainly the muggle owner's of the land and the muggle-born attendees. It was a skilled attack, one that had been planned for some time although no one had been killed.

"I'll be careful, of course I'll be careful." Olivia told her parents nonchalantly with a shrug, "I always try to be careful."

Her mum laughed lightly under her breath while looking down to the ground and shaking her head in amusement, "I know you'll try." Olivia nodded while smiling faintly at her mum but Mary wasn't finished, "But—"

She rolled her eyes, "—Mum."

"No, listen." Mary said quickly, "If you experience any headaches have any nosebleeds—"

"—I know." Olivia said, "Go and see Madam Pomfrey."

"Okay." Mary nodded, grazing her finger over the butterfly stitches hiding in her daughters hairline, "Good."

It had been a bittersweet end to her summer holiday. Her mum didn't want her anywhere she couldn't see her and as much as she felt like a child again Olivia had to remind herself her mum was just concerned. She felt guilty her daughter was hurt and she wasn't there to stop it.

Olivia watched as her mum became emotional — her eyes starting to water — and her shoulders sagged, "Mum—"

"Merlin, I don't know what's wrong with me." Mary gushed, wiping away the water in her eyes, "I haven't cried since your first year."

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