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Olivia had to admit, she was awfully curious as to why Professor Snape had informed third year and above in his house that they were required to attend a mandatory session in one of the spare classrooms. She wasn't all that interested in going until she heard it had something to the Twiwizard Tournament and that every other house had or would have the same meeting.

She was even more curious however, when she arrived to see the students of Durmstrang seated on the benches and chairs lined up against the left side of the room. She and her friends sound a seat on a bench against the right side of the room and fell into a conversation with Daphne and Astoria Greengrass to pass the time.

It wasn't long before the room was completely packed and Serena — who had been sitting next to Olivia — had seen Blaise, Draco and Pansy Parkinson drape in at the last minute with Crabbe and Goyle following them. Blaise had managed to snag a seat, squeezing his arse in between Graham Montague and Theodore Nott as they sat in front of her but she noticed Draco was stuck standing up.

"Silence." Professor Snape called out. His voice wasn't loud, it never needed to be, but his tone did the job. Within seconds of demanding it the room became silent and everyone was left looking around the unfamiliar room they had been piled into.

"Wonder what Slytherin have done wrong now." Serena whispered into Olivia's ear. The girl turned to her friend and shrugged in response before turning back to Snape.

"Can't be that bad if Durmstrang are here." Astoria replied quietly nudging Serena with her shoulder.

Serena nodded, "I suppose—"

"—Wood I thought I asked for silence, did I not?" Professor Snape spoke, looking to the blonde haired girl.

"Yeah, probably." She replied nonchalantly as if it was nothing. Professor Snape raised his eyebrows in question and looked at her for a few moments as everyone else in the room turned to Serena. Many were surprised by her dismissive sort of tone and they waited to see whatever repercussion she was going to face. The Head of Slytherin house however turned away from her when he realised he wasn't going to receive an apology.

"Merlin, you wouldn't think you're Oliver Wood's younger sister." Olivia muttered to Serena without looking to her.

"Which leads me to believe I'm adopted." She whispered back.

"Anyways as I was saying." Professor Snape said in his abnormally boring and tiresome tone, drawing out every ..single word. "The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Tri-Wizard Tournament since it began. On Christmas Eve night we and our guests—" Snape gestured towards the Durmstrang students sat opposite the Slytherin house, "—gather in the great hall for a celebration. As representatives of the hosting school each and every one of you better buckle up your ideas. The Yule Ball is a dance and I will not tolerate any behaviour that isn't exemplary." Snape finished, eyeing his house.

The Slytherin boys groaned at the thought of a dance and actually learning how to dance, while most of the girls all whispered back and forth excitedly. The boys of Durmstrang were somewhere in between — they looked a little excited but a bit apprehensive at the thought of learning how to dance.

"Silence." Snape repeated himself again. "Now Professor McGonagall has volunteered to help me with the demonstration so you all better watch, I'll only do it once." He said painstakingly slow making Olivia want to repeatedly smack her head off a table. She sighed as she rested her head on Alexis's shoulder, watching the demonstration.

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