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The tent they were residing in was, in reality, a big size. It looked as if it could hold up to 20 people but there were only sleeping arrangements for eight. Olivia was surprised to say the least and it seemed her friend was too. She took her time looking around, they had a small kitchen, a sitting area with chairs and a table, reasonably sized bedroom compartments for all of them — it was a shock just how big the inside of the tent had been.

"Girls." Arthur Weasley called, "Choose a bunk and unpack. Ron get out of the kitchen we're all hungry."

Ron turned around with a pork pie hanging out of his mouth with his hands stuffed with more food.

"Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron!" Fred and George chimed.

Arthur passed his twin sons, talking to them without even looking at them, "Feet off the table." He ordered.

They took their feet off the table as their father passed, chiming together, "Feet off the table!" Before proceeding to rest their feet on the small table again. Olivia shook her head in amusement, chuckling under her breath as she walked over the the space her Hermione and Ginny would be sleeping in. She pulled her bag off her shoulder and tossed it onto the top bunk just before Ginny could claim it.

"I call dibs." She said.

"That's not fair." The youngest Weasley argued.

Olivia shrugged her shoulders, "Dibs is a dibs Gin." She said.

Ginny narrowed her eyes in annoyance, "I wanted the top bunk."

"Well you can sleep on the bottom or on the single bed." Olivia said to her, reaching out and ruffling her hair.

Ginny pushed her hand away and the two laughed while Hermione sat on the bed watching.

"Merlin you're just as annoying as Ron." Ginny muttered.

"Tell me something I don't know." Olivia mused, undoing her bag and pulling the clothes she'd packed out. She set them into one of the three drawers.

"Don't think I won't get you back." Ginny warned jokingly.

"What're you gonna do?" Olivia asked with a laugh, "Put something under my pillow."

"I'm not going to tell you." Ginny said with a smirk, "But I'm getting Fred and George to help me."

Olivia turned fully to Ginny, "With the right bargaining deal, Gin, I can easily get those two to tell me everything."

Ginny rolled her eyes, "Fine, I'll get Hermione to help me."

From the single bed Hermione didn't even look up from the book she was reading as she answered sternly, "Nope."

• • •

Olivia had climbed stairs upon stairs upon stairs within the stadium, trailing behind Fred and George as her legs tired out. She didn't know how many more flights she could take and so took to convincing Fred and George to piggyback her the rest of the way up. It didn't take much, a couple of galleons each and a promise she'd help them on their latest prank gag and she was being carried.

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