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After what had gone down in the common room that fateful night Olivia decided to keep her distance from most of the Slytherin house — even if it did mean not spending as much time with Serena and Alexis. Her two friends didn't seem to mind and they didn't blame her, if they had friends outside of Slytherin they'd of spent time with them too. As much as the students in the house of Salazar Slytherin stuck together they very easily got sick of one another.

Olivia just wanted space from what was the hot topic of the house — her and Draco's spat in the common room. It seemed everyone wanted to know what was going on with the blood-traitor and the prince. No one was discreet about it either, they discussed it loudly and asked Olivia herself what had happened. She just wanted to forget about it really, leave it in the past where it belonged — along with Draco — and move on. She was the only one who wanted to do that though.

So that's how she came to the conclusion of distancing herself from her own house.

She was sitting in study hall — supervised by Professor Snape that afternoon — as she, Ron, Harry and Hermione whispered back and forth quietly. Ron had brought Olivia up to speed on his and Harry's inability to score dates for the Yule Ball even though it was literally one week away. She wished she could've sympatnhaised with them but her dilemma had placed her on the opposite end of the spectrum Ron was on.

"This is mad." Ron complained to her, "At this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates!"

Snape looked over to the redheaded boy after his frustrated outburst and swiftly hit him upside the head with the book he was holding.

Study hall was supposed to be done in silence.

Olivia watched her head of house walk away until he was out of ear shot and then she grinned at Ron, "Pfft, the whole school don't you mean?"

"How come he doesn't hit you over the head when you talk?" Harry asked her irritably, leaning forward over his work and nearly spilling the ink. He knocked it somewhat, creating a echoing noise to carry over the silent hall. A few looked over to them and Olivia waited until everyone turned away again before she responded.

"Because I'm in his house, lined up for prefect, top of the class in potions and in the year." She said to him, before turning to Hermione, "No offence 'mione"

Ron scoffed bitterly as Hermione replied,  "None taken and besides he's also one of the three who knows about Olivia."

"Yeah." Harry nodded in remembrance, "True."

Olivia rose her brows once before looking to Ron, "Hey, why don't you and Harry just go together?"

Ron's eyes widened, "You what?"

"As friends you numpty." Hermione told him.

"Yeah, I know loads of girls who are going together because they haven't been asked." Olivia said to him.

Ron's jaw remained wide, "But then I'd have to do the champions dance with him."

"You know, Ron, I'm kind of offended you don't want to go to the ball with me." Harry said to him.

"It's nothing personal, mate." Ron muttered in response, "But imagine me and you doing the waltz together."

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