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Spring had graced the grounds of Hogwarts and had brought a warm breeze and a feeling of serenity to the staff and students that resided within the Scottish Highlands. The first season of the year was a favourite of many within the castle because of the beauty it brought. It mightn't of been hot but a warm air overtook the cold nature of the winter and with it, allowed the natural world to revive. The Spring nature saw the lush green gardens with brightly coloured leaves and beautiful flowers. Many of the creatures that hibernated through the Winter returned — magical and non-magical — and they fetched an aura of their own, the colourful butterfly wings and fairies fluttering the skies.

For some Spring was a turning point. The younger students didn't understand the intense will for Spring to pass in a hurry so Summer would fall and the school year would end. They still loved every waking moment of their schooling but their superiors were slowly drowning under the homework, essays and intense revision needed to pass their school year.

Sometimes the stress overshadowed how amazing time at Hogwarts could be — especially when you were learning how to control historic yet powerful magic that had been inherited. When you were taking it on your shoulders, being taught by the blind and learning as you went.

Every day was testing, especially when Olivia had started to recognise what was magic and what was power. She couldn't put all her energy and focus and concentration into producing magic now like she had done the past four years. She had to focus on controlling what magic she used.

Every single day the strength of her magic and spells was growing, every single day she she disarmed and duelled against Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall and every single day she beat them. It became easier each time despite her small skill set compared to that of her professors.

It was truly exhausting and between it all she'd barely had the time to not only keep in touch with herself but her friends also.

Harry, Ron and Hermione understood because they knew but her friends from her house didn't — they were fed the constant lie that she was with her Gryffindor friends.

When Olivia passed through the small, darkened, tunnel leading from the dungeons to her common room she was welcomed by the sound of soft chatter and quiet music. It sounded busy for a Thursday evening — especially when night hours were looming. Regardless, it was nice to see the array of students still up, chattering and whatnot. She hadn't seen much of her house in a while. 

Upon entering the common room she stopped by the exit and looked around for any of her friends. On passing, Kaylee Greene, a third year student and her friend both smiled at Olivia as Kaylee said, "Hiya Warwick."

Olivia reciprocated the warm smile and nodded once at the two girls, "Greene, Melbank."

They carried on walking, the short greeting ending there and once they had passed she spotted Graham Montague leaning on the fireplace across the common room, conversing with who she recognised to be Blaise. He had his back to her, but she couldn't miss him.

She headed over, more of her friends coming into view the closer she became. Alexis was sitting on the sofa, her arm draped over the back of it as she looked down at Serena who had taken to sitting on the rug, an array of parchment paper scattered on the coffee table she was leaning on. Her blonde friend was scribbling furiously, no doubt writing an essay that was most likely due in the morning that had been left to the last minute.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍 | 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒍𝒇𝒐𝒚 | 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now