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Olivia was still overwhelmed with shock when she reached her common room that night. The entire scenario played on a loop in her mind, a million questions floating around. The more she thought the more unsteady she became. Why would someone go to so much effort to put her name in the goblet then scribble it out? Why would someone try to put her forward for a suicide mission?

Them questions only caused her body to shake. She could barely remember saying goodnight to Cedric and getting into the common room, she barely noticed that her friends and housemates were waiting for her return. She couldn't hear the concerned voices of her friends asking what had happened or if she was okay. The girl simply held the parchment tightly in her hand and ran up to her dorm room, ignoring everyone downstairs.

She threw the ball of scrunched up parchment on her bed and pulled her tie and pulled her jumper off, feeling claustrophobic in the attire. She kicked off her shoes and began to pace in front of her bed before walking to bathroom and splashing her face with cold water. Clearing her eyes from the water she leaned over the basin and watched her reflection in the mirror. Her face was pale, her eyes wide and black mascara was smudged on the skin underneath her eyes.

A sudden knocking on the bedroom door shook her out of her thoughts. She grabbed a towel and patted her face dry while heading to the door. With the white towel in one hand the turned the brass door handle with the other and opened her door to a face she was still avoiding.

"How did you get up here?" She asked him.

Draco Malfoy shrugged nonchalantly, "Climbed up the banister."

Olivia nodded wearily and she threw the small towel on to the nearby chair and opened the door further in an inviting manner, "'Cause that's not weird at all." She mumbled, leaving the door open for him and journeyed to her bed, collapsing onto the mattress with a soft thud and covering her face with her hands.

The door clicked shut quietly and it followed by Draco clearing his throat, "I just wanted to check if you were okay." He started, "You scared us all when you walked in like that."

Beside her, she felt a dip in her mattress and removed her hands from her face. Draco was looking down at her, a small frown etched on to his normally smirking lips. She broke eye contact and sighed, her eyes fixing on the white ceiling above, "I don't think I can answer your question honestly."

He hesitated, his hand hovering above her knee as he thought about it before eventually he rested it there in a comforting manner, "Then just tell me what happened."

Olivia met his soft grey eyes, trying to determine whether she should could tell him what happened or not. Was he there for a genuine reason or had his curiosity simply gotten the better of him? She thought that he climbed up the outside of
the staircase just to come and see if she was all right came to her and she thought about it. He was the one to come, not Alexis or Serena or Blaise. So surely he must care.

She swallowed with her final answer of trusting him and twisted her body to the left slightly, reaching for the parchment that landed just to the left of her head. She picked it up and uncrumpled the paper before placing it in Draco's hand with an encouraging nod.

"I don't understand." He spoke after a moments silence.

"Makes two of us." She mumbled.

"Did Potter do this?"

"No," Olivia shook her head, "But that, they, were the fourth names to come out of the Goblet."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍 | 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒍𝒇𝒐𝒚 | 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now