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The next week, following the welcome back party, Olivia had done everything she could to avoid the platinum blonde haired boy she woke to on that Saturday morning and despite it's difficultly, she was succeeding. She had become sick of the questions Alexis, Serena and Blaise were asking about the two of them, so she decided not to spend as much time with them also.

She asked Draco to stop with her, she didn't know why she did it or what even compelled her to ask. They had barely held ten or so conversions in their first three years of schooling together but since they'd seen each other at the Quidditch World Cup it had all changed. Did she think Draco would actually get into bed with her? No she didn't.

A large part of her was perplexed. What did this mean between them if anything. Was she reading into this? Or did Draco stop with her not because she asked him to but because he wanted to also. And the conclusion she always came back to was that she was only fourteen years old, she was too young to be thinking about a boy.

Wasn't she?

Regardless, it was how she came to find herself chasing Cedric Diggory through the rain in the courtyard five days later. She was still in her uniform and she followed him and his housemates into the castle in an attempt to track him down after the she'd heard a rumour bouncing off the castle walls.

"Cedric! Oi, Diggory! Slow down!" Olivia shouted weaving in and out and pushing students in the corridor.

The boy turned around hearing her shouts and gave her a wide spread grin, his wet brown hair was stuck messily to his forehead. Olivia slowed to a walk and took the last few steps to meet him. Cedric chuckled at her while she panted to get her breath back. She looked like a drowned rat, her hair stuck messily to her face,  "I was wondering when I was going to see you. There's a wicked rumour of you and Mal—"

"Cedric Diggory do not finish that sentence." Scolded before her eyes softened, "Please."

"Okay." He chuckled, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "I won't, scouts honour." Cedric said smiled, "What's up?"

"What I can't talk to you now?" She scoffed, looking up to him. While they continued walking Cedric only raised a brow, "Fine. I just—look I'm going sound like a brat here but I don't care if I'm being honest." She told him honestly, "The thing is Ced, I don't want you to put your name forward for the tournament."

His lips pulled into a frown and he furrowed his brows together, "Why not? What's the worst that could happen?"

Olivia narrowed her eyes at him as her brows furrowed, "You can die you know? That's the worst that could happen."

Cedric stopped walking and forced Olivia to stop with him. He fell behind his friends and turned to his mate with a sigh, "You know the chances of my name being selected is slim." He attempted to reassure, "There are so many from Hogwarts alone putting their name forward for this tournament. On the off chance that my name is chosen by the Goblet I'm sure I'll be fine."

"You can't guarantee that Cedric." She murmured.

"I doubt any of the Professors would allow a task to step too far where our lives would be risked Olivia. You have to remember this is a Ministry controlled game." He told her calmly, "I might not even be picked but I do want the chance and I want to put my name forwards for this tournament."

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