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It was nearing midnight when Olivia shivered, edging towards the fire in the common room for more warmth. She was sat with her housemates, chatting away about what their year was going to consist of now Hogwarts was hosting a competition. It was colder in the Slytherin common room with it being near the dungeons — tucked away in the corners of the castle near the black lake.

Olivia shivered again, holding her hands out to the fire for warmth.

"Are you cold?" Draco asked of her, watching as she rubbed over the goosebumps on her arms.

"Just a little." Olivia replied, drawing her knees into her chest and resting her head sideways on her knees to face him.

"That's what you get for wearing shorts." Serena told her friend.

"Well the dorms are normally pretty warm." Olivia told her irate, "I didn't expect to be down here for so long."

Draco pulled his jumper over his head and handed it to Olivia with a hint of a smile, "Here."

"Malfoy—" She protested while shaking her head.

"—No, take it." He said, "You need it more than I do, I reckon."

Hesitantly and a brief smile she took his jumper and pulled it over her own head, slipping into the warmth. It was a few sizes too big her small frame but it did the job and kept her warm.

"Alright lovebirds." Alexis joked, "Let's keep it friendly for the rest of us, yeah?"

Olivia rolled her eyes sarcastically while chuckling, "Aw sod off."

"We're just mates." Draco said.

"Exactly." Pansy Parkinson chimed and they turned to look up to the stairways of the girls dormitories, "You've every boy in this school kissing at your feet."

"Do I?" Olivia asked her with a confused frown.

Parkinson didn't reply as she walked down the stairs, "Leave Draco alone, he's not interested you attention craving—"

"—What's that Parkinson?" Serena asked, interrupting her with an arched brow

"What?" Pansy laughed humourlessly, her voice laced thickly in bitterness, "The princess needs bodyguards now does she?"

Olivia rolled her eyes and stared at Pansy, "No, I don't." She said, getting to her feet, "I don't need bodyguards and I don't have bodyguards.. unlike you."

Pansy Parkinson and Olivia had always butted heads. Pansy had turned her nose up at Olivia the minute she sat down at Slytherin table for the first time in her first year. They'd been caught arguing or duelling several times in the castle — some had even compared their feud to the female version of Harry and Draco.

"You, Warwick, irritate me." Pansy snarled while pointing a finger at her.

"Nothing new there then." Olivia shrugged.

"First you go for my crown and now you steal go for my boyfriend!" She snapped.

"Boyfriend?" Draco exasperated, eyes wide.

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