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*WAIT BEFORE WE GET STARTED: im dedicAting this chapter to hxileymxrie13


"Your total is 45."

"Shit maybe that's why I don't take taxis anymore."  Sophia muttered.

I groaned, its fine, its fine I thought.

I rumaged through my backpack grabbing two twenties and a dollar bill. Sophia handed me a 5 but I was already handing the driver what I had.

He grunted, "It's fine." In shock we quickly made our way out of the taxi before he could change his mind.

As soon as our feet were on that pavement we sprinted towards the front doors in hopes of instantly running into the boys.

"Where are they??" I asked looking around but not seeing them anywhere.

They weren't by the suitcase pickup area and the only people we saw coming down from the escalator were all business dud-

"OVER THERE!" Grace yelled as she pointed towards the escalator on the left side of the building.

The first person I saw was my noodlehead.

"NOODLES!" I yelled as Wyatt came sprinting down the escalator with Finn following close behind.
I cringed as I saw them both nearly fall on their asses.

With a smile never leaving our faces we ran towards them, Wyatt was the first to get to me as I threw my hands around him.
We gave each other bone crushing hugs and Finn just pat my head with a giggle.

"Nah I'm kidding, come here." He said as he gave me a nice hug.

"Wait, where's Jaeden?" Sophia piped up.

"Oh, he may still be on the plane he was helping a bunch of old people get their bags down."

"What a sweetheart!" Grace exclaimed.

We shared a small laugh as I couldn't help but put my hand through Wyatts noodles.


"I'm sorry I couldn't help it!"

This caused Finn to erupt in a fit of laughter and soon enough we saw a humble looking Jaeden make his way down the escalator. Wow he was a lot taller than I expected.


We made our way over to him as he hugged us all even Finn and Wyatt.

"Why are you hugging me?" Wyatt mumbled.

"Because I love you, geez is there a problem?"

I shook my head as Wyatt pretended to be an annoyed rat but eventually he got over it.

"Are you guys hungry? Should we go eat somewhere?" I asked.

"YES, I'm starving."

"Oh stop being so dramatic you big babies." I told them.

Jaeden gave me a small shove with his elbow as we were on our way to their hotels first to drop of their things.

"Hey, I am no baby."

"Mhm if you say so."

"You're a baby too." He whispered.

"Am not!"

"Are too!" Finn piped up.

"Hey shut it! What is this insult valerie day?"

"You called us babies first." Wyatt pointed out.

"Ugh, shut up!" I told him as I hid my face behind my hands.

"Hey! Don't hide that pretty face princess!"
I looked up in shock as did the rest of us, only to be greeted by Jack standing by the boys hotel room.

"Is he real?"

Maybe // Jack GrazerWhere stories live. Discover now