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Sophia P.O.V.

"Thought you weren't gonna show up till Friday." I told Jack as we were making our way across central park.
We were behind the rest of the group. I watched him as he kept his eyes on Val watching her flail around and jump onto Jaedens back.

With a smile I shook my head at the doofus.

"I wasn't, but... I had to. I needed to see her. For more than one day."

"So what did you do about your photo shoot, and the interviews?"

"Rescheduled, but the photo shoot is here in New York. On Thursday. It shouldn't take too long."

Valerie was now trying to carry Jaeden on her back.
Result: unsuccessful

"I think I screwed things up, Soph."

"Eh, just like a tiny bit."

He rolled his eyes as he gave me a playful shove and mumbled a sarcastic 'thanks'.

"You just gotta stop being all weird and shit, talk to her like you do when you're texting her. Make her laugh."


Jack P.O.V.

We were now sitting in a rather shady and more open area. There weren't many people where we were so it was nice to be left unbothered in our own little group.

Valerie was sitting right across from me, next to Jaeden. Sitting on her board, moving side to side every so often causing the wheels to sink further and further into the dirt.
We talked about the most random shit, changing topics every five seconds.
I watched as Val would get excited over something she related to or how she used her hands a lot while she talked.
Her laugh was loud, not in an obnoxious way though, in a beautiful way. It was the kind of laugh that was contagious one that you could never get annoyed of.

When she found something I said funny she would laugh so hard she would have to turn away hiding her face.

I loved it, I loved knowing that I was capable of being able to make her laugh and smile.

Finn and Sophia were a couple feet away from us, trying to do cartwheels.

Jaeden and Val were engulfed in a conversation about Naruto or something.

Wyatt and I were messing around with his camera taking pictures and videos.
We were planning on editing the footage later to make something cool.

I looked over to Val and Jaeden and watched as she threw her head back in a laugh while holding onto his arm.
For a second my heart dropped to my feet as I saw her lean in closer to him. I could already feel myself getting infuriated.
Her held tilted to the side and her hand lifted up to his face, but her lips never met his.
Instead she moved his face to the side so that she could see the side of his head.

Maybe // Jack GrazerWhere stories live. Discover now