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1:38 A.M


"NOBODY EVEN LIKES TEDDY GRAHAMS!" He jumped onto the beds and I quickly pulled his leg out from under him and he landed on the soft cushioning as my box of teddy grahams flew out of his hands.
I quickly grabbed them and turned to run but ended up tripping over something.
I groaned as the entire room erupted in laughter, I looked over to see what caused me to fall only to see Jack leaning against the wall, asleep with his legs outstretched.

"Jack!" I yelled in annoyance while smacking his leg, causing him to jump awake.

"Val! You just pulled a Mike Wheeler!" Sophia laughed, but this caused Finn to go serious.

"Is that an insult now? Are people using that as an insult now?"

"Finn it was just a joke."

"Damnit Finn you suck the life out of everything." Jaeden mumbled from the floor.

"Hey! Shut up you weeaboo!"

"I'm not- I'm gonna kill you."

We all began to chant, "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT-"

"Hey Val, you think we can go to our room now? I'm really tired." Jack asked. I could tell by his droopy eyes he was exhausted. In all honesty I was trying to stay in here for as long as possible and I was hoping eventually we would all just fall asleep, I didn't even care if I had to sleep in the bathtub.

My throat became dry and I was suddenly aware that was not going to happen.

"Yea, alright let me just.. Go to the lobby real quick and get a uh- water bottle! Yea from the vending machines." He nodded with a yawn and began to gather his things.

"A water bottle?" Sophia asked as she had I overheard our conversation.

"Yea.. Teddy grahams make me thirsty, I guess."

"You don't want me to go with?" Jack asked.

"Oh nah! I'll take like 2 seconds." They shrugged it off and I grabbed my bag as I made my way down to the lobby.
I wasn't getting a water bottle.

I sat down by a table filled with magazines. I let out a shaky breath and wondered how I was going to be able to sleep in the same room with Jack.

I mean for one, what if I snore and I don't even know it? Plus I don't look good when I'm sleeping I drool, at least I think so. With my luck I probably snore, drool and toot. Who wants to be around anyone like that!

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I realized Sophia has just sat down in the seat across from me.

"Uh- vending machine is out of order, I sat down cause I was so ... sad.. About it."  I replied hesitantly.

"Stop lying to me, I'm not stupid."

I sighed, "I know." I mumbled.

"What's wrong?"

"You won't say anything?"

"Valerie, you can trust me." She held out her pinky and with a small smile I hooked it with my own.

"Okay," I let out a heavy breath.

"It's Jack." She gave an understanding nod but didn't interrupt.

"Its just, him being here... It makes everything real, it makes my feelings real."

"Okay and what's wrong with real feelings?"

"I don't know I just, look I know eventually, you guys are going to get big and we'll slowly drift apart, you guys will text me less and you'll begin to forget, but I'll still be here, waiting and remembering."

She cocked her head to the side and gave a reassuring smile.

"Valerie, we need you around. You don't use us for likes, or followers, you don't use Jack. You have never asked for shout outs or ever put yourself out there to be a problematic person, and even how you just explained yourself right now just proves that you genuinely care about our friendship as much as we do and Jack knows it too, he knows how much of an amazing person you are he's not gonna just let you get off that easy and neither will the rest of us, we love you dude."

"But what if I fuck things up like I usually do, with Jack?"

"That's between you and Jack, well unless you like.. Tried to kill his dog or something but besides that I'm sure you'll be fine."

I'm sure she realized my slight hesitation because she continued on.

"Look, it takes a lot for Jack to just give up on you. And with you Val, there is no way you could do wrong in his eyes. He is not going to let you just walk away. You may not realize it now, but that kid fucking adores you."

Maybe // Jack GrazerWhere stories live. Discover now