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"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeaaaa, why?" I asked, confused as Finn ran up to me and Sophia with his arm thrown around me like usual.

We were (finally) on our way to eat.

Wyatt started walking backwards in front of us so he could show us his phone screen.

"These comments on your last post aren't all that great."

I shrugged not really being bothered by it,
"Oh well."

They all looked a bit hesitant.

"Guys, really it's not a big deal."

Jaeden began rubbing the back of his neck, telling me he was too nervous to say something.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"It's just- we don't want you to like..stop hanging out with us because of all the nasty comments and rumors and stuff." He said quietly as the rest of the group gave small nods in agreement.

I looked around at them sort of in disbelief that they thought I would do that.

I stopped walking causing finns arm to fall from my shoulders and the rest of them stop and turn towards me.

I crossed my arms.

"I'm offended, honestly."

"Val we ju-" Sophia began but I stopped her.

"It's fine, I mean I get where you're coming from I guess but you act like I can't disable my comments or actually , here's an idea! Ignore them."

"She's a real life Richie Tozier it's scaring me." I heard Wyatt whisper to Jack.

"I'll beat the shit out of you, you Jew."

"Val! Seriously?!"


"Are the burgers good here?" Jaeden asked while taking a sip from his lemonade.

Sophia turned his menu towards her a little bit so she could point out the ones she thought were good.

I was sitting on the edge of the booth with Jack next to me and Wyatt next to him. Across sat Jaeden, Finn, and Sophia.

"I think I'm just gonna get a bacon burger that looks good."

"Me too!" Jaeden said full of excitement as he held his hand out for a high five. With a giggle I gave him one.

Jack leaned over to tell me something with the menu being held up by him so they wouldn't see.

He pretended to be interested in the menu as he continued talking.

"You know, sometimes it is hard to tell whether you're dating me or Finn."

"Excuse me, what?" I asked in annoyance, wondering if I heard him correctly.
The relationship Finn and I had was nothing romantic, in all honesty it was more of a sibling thing. If Jack wasn't such an ass all the time he'd realize that.

"Are you trying to slut shame me?" I asked, realizing my voice was gradually getting louder.

"No, but - its true."

I grabbed a chunk of skin from his arm pinching him as hard as I could although I would've loved to do more than just pinch him.
He yelled out a little bit dropping the menu in the process causing confused glances from Sophia and the rest.

"Neither of us said we were dating you dickhead, thank god for that!" I whisper yelled as I quickly got up in a fit of rage to lock myself in the bathroom til I calmed down.


They're so problematic Lmfao

ANYHOOO hoped you guys liked this one sorry if you didn't :( leave comments tho for feedback ! 💛

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