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"Alright, who the fuck posted our location?" Finn asked, irritated. Mostly about being woken up from his beauty sleep.

I peeked out the window again, even though nothing had changed and there were hundreds of girls and boys surrounding the building. They had cameras and phones, papers/photos, all huddled together waiting in anticipation to catch a glimpse of the cast. I saw as they would draw closer to the front doors when they would see somebody approach only to be disappointed by the sight of a businessman or woman.

"Valerie! Can you please get away from the window! " I jumped back; startled.

"I'm not famous, why does it matter if I look?"

"They know who you are." Jack mumbled as he continued pacing. His right hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Actually... I tagged you in that photo... when we were at central park. They must've realized we were staying somewhere near by." He rushed the last part as all eyes were now on Wyatt.

"God DAMNIT WYATT!" All eyes shot back at Jaeden, shocked by his sudden outburst.

"I'm sorry, I forgot-"

Jaeden's facial expression did not change. He oozed annoyance.

"Just shut UP!" Jaeden stomped out of the room, and Sophia and I shared a look, realizing Jaeden was not annoyed about Wyatt outing us to their fans, rather it was an excuse to yell at him about his jumbled feelings without everybody knowing it.

Wyatt stood where he was. His head towards the door, his eyebrows knitted together in concern.

"What the fuck are we going to do?" Sophia piped up trying to drift the coversation back to the main focus while I slipped out of the room after Jaeden.

Jack's P.O.V

"Okay maybe we should just go out there, take a couple pics say hi and then come right back in." Finn suggested.

"Are you crazy ?! Without security ? No way." Wyatt complained.

"Oh come on! What's the worst a bunch of teenagers can do?"

"There are adults out there too! And paparazzi, there's no way we can go out there without making the situation worse." Sophia said in response to Finn.

"It can't get worse." I mumbled while finally plopping myself down on the edge of the bed, running a hand through my messy hair.

"Are you kidding?? Of course it can, more people, more paparazzi, more pictures and videos released and more rumors-"

I cut her off, "Yea, okay I got it Soph! Thanks." I put my head in my hands, waiting for some type of miracle. I looked up hoping to meet Val's eyes, but I was only met by Finn's who had a concentrated expression.

But where the fuck was Val?

Jaeden wasn't around either and I quickly began pacing again, the two geniuses were missing, Sophia was freaking out, Finn was irritated with me, tired, and uncooperative, Wyatt continued complaining probably only to cope with the fact that Jaeden just yelled at him and Valerie was fucking missing!

Maybe // Jack GrazerWhere stories live. Discover now