49 (PART 2)

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Devin was leading Valerie out of the "haunted" bookstore.
Her friends watched helplessly, the boy that was very much in love with her (although he didn't know it yet) watched  ; heartbroken.

He wished he had the same effect on her that boy did.
It almost seemed like she could never say no to that boy.
He envied him, yet knew he was trouble.
He wished he know the history between them and knew nobody would tell him unless it was coming out of her mouth.

"Valerie, you really shouldn't go." Her best friend begged, knowing nothing good could come from this.

"I'll only be gone for thirty minutes, and I'll be right across the street at the cafe, I'll text you if I need anything, I'm fine." Valerie was pleading for her friends to act normal about this.
She didn't see the big deal.
Devin was waiting outside and she knew how impatient he was.
She didn't know it, but while waiting he grew more annoyed with the group she called her friends.

Like Jack, Hailey knew how much trouble Devin was.
She knew their history and she didn't like it.
She didn't like him.
She also knew about Valerie and Jack.

At first she was confused as to why her best friend had not told her anything and she wouldn't have known if Jack hadn't grabbed Valeries hand in the alleyway but she had a growing suspicion before when she saw the way they looked at each other or when she realized he talked to her differently then the others.

Hailey was a very observant person.
She was even more honest.
Both Valerie and Hailey knew when she got back Hailey would not be happy.

Valerie had only gotten down the street before the group had rushed around a small window bringing stools and chairs to stand on so they could make sure she got to the cafe okay.

Eventually she was out of their eye sight and they huffed in annoyance as they sat around the bookstore.
Wyatt flipped through old anime books with Jaeden even though Jaeden just wanted to annoy Wyatt.

Finn couldn't keep still and kept wandering around the bookstore, hoping for some sort of demon to jump out so he could be a little entertained.

Sophia was with Hailey they were now whispering amongst themselves.

Jack was pacing in front of the door.
His phone in his hand.


"How have you been?"
A conversation starter Devin never wanted to use. He didn't want small talk, he wanted to get straight to the point. But he knew how Valerie was and ne needed to make this convincing, especially if he needed her to forget about that short boy with the curly hair and freckles.

"I've been good, great actually." She actually blushed while saying this tucking a piece of hair behind her ear which sent a wave of anger through Devin.

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