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Hello and welcome to my story. I decided that I need to write a little something in the very beginning, so that new readers understand something. Firstly, I wrote the first 5 chapters of this story a very long time ago. YEARS AGO, in fact. I left the story and then came back to it and started writing it again. That's why there is such a difference in the story quality from chapter 6 and on. I cringe at some of the sentences and phrases from the early chapters. So, for you first-time-readers out there, please don't judge the story from the beginning. Keep reading until you've gotten past chapter 6 or so. If you still don't like it, well, alright then. Sorry! All I ask is you give it a chance. You might end up liking it :) On with the disclaimers and such~


I do not claim any characters from JK Rowling's Harry Potter. The one's I do claim are one's such as Lucinda and her parents, and Aurora and everyone in her family. There are going to be other characters throughout the story that I have also made up and I claim them completely. Since this story is going to be set in the past, the only characters that won't be claimed are all of the teachers, the caretaker, and the kids in the prologue and ending (yes, both will exist). I guess I'll explain more along the way...

Hearts are Blind


It was Halloween night at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students had just finished with their feast, down in the Great Hall, and the Gryffindor common room was currently crammed full of filled bellies and happy faces. Everyone was either crowded around the fire, playing games of Exploding Snap, or sitting in comfy chairs, talking about werewolves, trolls, and gruesome things they'd witnessed. It was a hideous night outside and rain pounded against the window glass, causing a few heads to turn in alarm.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were sitting in a far corner of the room, ignoring the storm raging just beyond the window pane, and discussing what they thought was scary.

"You should've seen the thing!" Ron was saying to Hermione. "It was bigger than me and Harry put together!"

"Oh, you're exaggerating," said Hermione, waving a hand. "It couldn't have been that big."

Ron looked at Harry, "Tell her!"

Harry sighed, "It's true... The thing was monstrous."

"See? I told you. It was..." Ron shuddered. "The most horrific and disgusting spider ever to walk this planet... We were lucky to get out of there alive, damn it!"

"I can't believe you're afraid of spiders," Hermione sniggered.

"Oh, shutup!" Ron yelled. "You wouldn't know scary, even if it stared you in the face!"

"Have you forgotten the troll from our first year, Ron?" asked Harry. "I'm pretty sure she knows scary."

"Oh, yeah..." Ron said, dumbly.

"Actually..." said Hermione, leaning in. "I know of a story that's much scarier and it's true, too."

"My story is true!" Ron protested, but Hermione ignored him and continued.

"It's about Professor Snape," she whispered.

"I'm not surprised," said Harry, bitterly. "Anything about him is scary."

"You can't tell anyone," she continued, seriously. Ron snorted and Hermione threw him a threatening glance, "I'm serious! If anyone found out that I knew about this I-I... I'd probably be hunted down by Snape for the rest of my life!"

They both looked at her wildly.

"...How bad is it?" asked Ron.

Hermione leaned in closer. "Bad," she said, looking a little nervous. "It happened here at Hogwarts... In Professor Snape's first or second year as a teacher." She paused and glanced around the common room to see if anyone was listening. "Something absolutely unbelievable happened..."

Hearts are Blind (Severus Snape X OC)Where stories live. Discover now