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Before now I had noticed one thing in this crazy town. No one cared what the other did. Like, parents literally allowed their children to be anything they wanted to be and I could tell you they really became the worst. When Nicole and I had gone shopping, I had seen about twenty different gay couples on the streets and in the mall, all of which were teens or adolescents. I couldn't believe it, back in the north it was forbidden to be gay. When one of my friends Juliet had come out to her parents and the whole town had heard it, everyone avoided Juliet like a plague. I'm sure if she moved down here to stay, she could be with as much girls as she wanted.
I didn't even want to talk about the part when a girl had openly flirted with Nicole at the mall and Nicole didn't seem to mind, but she politely refused the girl saying she was hooked up and surprisingly with another girl. It was alarming. Everywhere I turned, lesbians and gays and bisexuals littered this cursed town. I couldn't wait to graduate high school and leave this town to somewhere far for college.
Monday morning finally did come and my alarm went off, telling me it was time to get up and get ready for who-knows-what. I got off my bed and went into my bathroom, brushed my teeth before climbing into the shower to take my bath, making sure to wash my thick black curls that people from the north were known for. Mine was up to my waist and was still very curly at the tips. It was quite a difficult task though, but since it's my hair I was used to it already.
I got out while wrapping a towel around my hair and proceeded to get dressed. I picked a purple skater skirt, white chiffon long sleeves and my white addidas sneakers. Then I checked my purple back pack if I had all my stuffs in before adding my phone and ear phones in and zipping it up.
"Jordan, Divine, come out and let's get breakfast. I don't wanna be late on my first day." I called across the hall to my siblings. Divine came out first, looking all cool, then came Jordan. That boy was always surprising me, he always dressed to kill and trust me if he wasn't my brother I wouldn't have minded his age.
I was supposed to drop Divine off at her middle school before proceeding to school with Jordan and of course Nicole and her sister. We got downstairs, made breakfast and hurriedly rushed it. I locked the house and followed them out the door. Summer wasn't quite over I could see because the sun was really burning up and the time was just 7:05 a.m.
"Let's pick Nicole and her sister up before leaving." I stated. I got to Nicole's and honked loudly before she stepped out with her sister, Kendra behind her. I giggled all the way to school because I caught Jordan several times trying to adjust his sitting position and get comfortable near Kendra while Kendra did her best to flirt with him wordlessly and left my poor brother in a melted form.
As I pulled up into the school's parking lot, I found a spot and parked in. The school was quite big from what Nicole had said and I was very sure I would get a lot of stares from people as I walked the hallway. I had gotten a lot of it at the mall, probably because of my hair and skin color.
Everyone stepped out after I had parked and we moved in a group towards the school gates. I had already started receiving stares from those outside and as I peeped from the corner of my eye I could tell Jordan was as uncomfortable as I was. His hair was not much different from mine but it wasn't long. Just very full and curly.
"Oooooh, check out that kid's hair." I heard a girl scream and all too soon girls came rushing at Jordan, struggling to get a feel of his hair. I tried to walk away with Nicole but someone spotted mine and the crowd shifted towards me, cooing and awwing on my hair. Great! Now I got all the attention to last me for a life time. I rolled my eyes secretly and waited till they were done before leaving the place with Nicole who had a good time laughing her head off. Kendra had offered to go with Jordan and help him out with his schedule and classes so Nicole offered to do same for me. I met a disgusting surprise when we entered the school secretary's office. There on the office table, was the secretary and a female student making out heavily. Kissing, fingering and all those gross stuffs. I nearly threw up there. They got off each other in an instant and I and Nicole managed to murmur an apology for barging in.
"What do you want?" The secretary demanded, obviously angry from the interruption.
"My schedule please." I answered not taking my eyes off hers in order not to feel intimidated towards her little outburst. She searched for it and handed it to me and we left.

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