~Chapter 01~

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My new Book~

I hope you like my new story.
I already apologize for my bad grammar. English isn't my first language, so please comment if you see any mistakes, even if there are in every sentence:P
Just kidding, but I hope the mistakes don't bother you that much*~*

You can listen to the song above, if you want to:)


Eunha:"Hello~" she said happily to the male at the reception.
Receptionist:"Welcome" he said and smiled at us. „How can I help you?"

Jisoo:"We are students who are signed in for the new school year"
Me:"And we would like to get the keys for our rooms"
Receptionist:"Can i please have your ID Cards?"
Eunha:"Sure" we took out our ID Cards and showed them to him. He looked on his computer for our names and Informations.

Receptionist:"Kim Jisoo?" He said and looked up.
Receptionist:"Here is your key, your room has the number 1204" She took the key from him excitedly.
Jisoo:"With who am i sharing my room?"
The receptionist started searching on his computer once again.
Receptionist:"With Park Areum"
Jisoo:"With a girl? that's great, but sadly it's not one of you guys" she looked at us.

The receptionist continued searching for Eunha's and my information.
Receptionist:" Y/L/N Y/N?"
Receptionist:"Your room number is 1230" he handed me the key.
Me:"Thank you and who is going to be my roommate?" i asked excited, hoping it would be Eunha or another nice girl.
Receptionist:"Kim Taehyung"
A boy?!

Me:"Please tell me that Taehyung can also be a girls name"
Receptionist:"I have no idea, but not in this case"
Me:"I don't feel comfortable sharing my room with a boy and is this even allowed?"
Receptionist:"This is not my problem, I'm sorry" he said while looking at his computer, ignoring my disappointed face.

Receptionist: „It looks like your friend Jung Eunha has to share her room with a boy as well" he looked up to her and smiled.
She smiled back at him, but you could see that it was a fake one.
Eunha:"That's great" she said sarcastically. „Can i know his name?" He nodded while handing her the key to her room.
Receptionist:"Your room number is 1013 and your roommates name is Park Jimin"
Eunha:"Well his name is cute" she said trying to take things positively.

Me:"How have you decided the roommates for each person?" i asked the receptionist.
Receptionist:"It wasn't me that decided it, but i just know that if you have dancing as your major subject for example" he looked on his computer and read something „which is also the case with you and Eunha. You got chosen to share the room with someone who has the same major subject like you. But with who, who's having the same major subject like you, is chosen by coincidence and without looking at the gender."

Me:"That means i had a big chance to be paired up with Eunha? And now her and me have to share our rooms with a boy..." I sighed.
Receptionist:"Actually no, because there are like 300 other students who decided to have dancing as their Major subject."

Eunha:"That means the boy I have to share my room with can dance?! How cool is that" she fangirled. „Now he just needs to be kind and handsome" she smiled.
Me:"Yeah....kind, i hope mine is kind, i don't want a jerk" I sighed once again.

Stay positive Y/N, you made it to the University of your dreams and this with your two best friends, how bad can it be.
It's just a room and I will not always be hanging out there in my free time watching K-Dramas, laughing at funny Cat Videos and eating Ice cream.........
well that's exactly what I was doing all the time at home, but I wanted to change this anyways, so here comes my new motivation.

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