~Chapter 15~

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Mr.Bottles:"The present is" he waited once again until he continued to talk „you are going to have this whole week off and don't have to go to class, it's up to you to sometimes still practice your dance duet."
All in our group cheered out of happiness and jumped into each others arms.

I jumped into the Person's arms next to me and unfortunately I didn't look into who's arms I was jumping to. I had my eyes closed and yelled happily, that's why my stupid ass didn't realize it.

The Person lifted me up and turned around for a few times, also not realizing who was in his arms.

I finally opened my eyes and saw that I was in Taehyung's arms. My eyes widened and I stared at him. His eyes were also closed, but then he opened them and his reaction was the same as mine.

We both immediately looked into the crowd and looked for Areum. She wasn't really happy at what she was seeing.

Taehyung quickly let go of me and ran towards her.

Eunha put her hands on my shoulders and continued to jump around.
Eunha:"We don't have school for the rest of the week" she yelled. „And everyone else has to go to school" she laughed.

I laughed and then I saw Jisoo walking towards us.

Jisoo:"Your performance was amazing and you totally deserve it" I hugged her tightly.
Me:"I totally forgot that you're here" she hit my head.
Jisoo:"Thanks for forgetting about me"
Me:"I'm sorry Jisoo baby" I kissed her cheeks.
Jisoo:"Don't baby me" she said annoyed, but after that she laughed and hugged me back.

Eunha:"What are you doing here?" I heard her saying annoyed. I looked at the person who she was talking to.


I rolled my eyes and walked away.

Jackson:"Y/N WAIT" he yelled after me.
Me:"No Jackson Wang, I don't want to talk to you ever again."

Mr.Bottles:"Did I hear Jackson Wang?" He looked around.
Me:"Yes Mr.Bottles and he's standing right here" I pointed at Jackson and Mr.Bottles looked at him.

Mr.Bottles:"You rascal again, first you eat food in the halls and now you're bullying girls. I'll report you to the headmaster."
Jackson:"What the-„
Mr.Bottles:"Follow me or your punishment will be worse"
Mr.Bottles:"No buts, follow me NOW"
Jackson looked at me and I laughed at him.

What a loser

But the arguing of two people stopped me from laughing.
Areum:"Why are you hugging that girl? Is hugging me not enough?" She yelled at him.
Taehyung:"Calm down babe-„
Areum:"No I will not!"
Taehyung:"It was a misunderstanding, I didn't look and she jumped into my arms."
Areum:"But it didn't seem like you minded to have her in your arms."
Areum:"You're right, it isn't your fault. It's the girls fault. That bitch" I saw how she looked for me in the crowd and I didn't want to argue with her now, so I started to walk away.

Areum:"Hey you!" She yelled and I started to run towards my room.

She luckily didn't follow me and I was able to get away from her.

So annoying

I sighed.

I sat on my bed and after a while Taehyung entered the room.

Me:"I'm sorry Taehyung, I didn't look and-„
Taehyung:"It's okay, she's only overreacting"
Me:"I hope so"

I laid on my bed.

Taehyung:"What are you going to do in your free time?"
Me:"I don't know, maybe sleep?"
Taehyung laughed at my answer.
Me:"What's so funny about it?"
Taehyung:"Nothing" he smiled „how about playing our dance Videogame?"

I sat up and looked at him.
Me:"Do I look like I'm in the mood to play Videogames?"
Me:"You're totally right"

We played until midnight and eventually fell asleep.


I woke up and the first thing I saw was Taehyung's face.

I almost screamed out of shock, but was able to hold it back.

He looks kinda cute when he's asleep though not gonna lie.

I looked at his face.

He's so close

I felt my heart beating faster than usual and my face heating up.

Taehyung moved his head a little bit and I closed my eyes immediately. If he saw me staring at him in this Position, he would think I'm a creep.

Taehyung P.O.V

I opened my eyes and saw Y/N laying next to me.

Is she still asleep?

She looks so ugly when she's asleep

I chuckled quietly.

But she looks so ugly that it's already cute.

I didn't realize in what a weird Position we actually were in. I continued to look at her face.

My eyes wandered from her eyes to her lips and my mind also started wandering to wanting to kiss them.

Wait! What am I even doing? Is this already called cheating?

I started to slap my face, which made Y/N wake up.


I had my eyes closed and heard Taehyung chuckling quietly.

Did he notice that I'm only pretending to be asleep?

But he didn't say anything, so I decided to continue „being asleep".

Then I heard a slapping sound and I immediately opened my eyes.

I looked at Taehyung

He's slapping himself? What a weirdo.

He looked at me with wide eyes.

Me:"What exactly are you trying to do?"
Taehyung:"Uhm, nothing?"

I started laughing at him.

Taehyung:"Who are you laughing at?" He said and started to tickle me.
Me:"Hey stop!" I yelled while laughing.
Taehyung:"No I'm not going to stop"

I tried to fight back, until he was on top of me.

We both were out of breathe and stared into each others eyes.

I saw how he started to lean in closer to me.

My heart was beating so fast and loud against my chest.

I saw how he closed his eyes and I did the same.

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