~Chapter 24~

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After our Trip we all went back to our rooms.

As I stepped into my room I saw Taehyung sitting on his bed playing games on his computer. I didn't expect him to be there already.

Me:"Already back?"
Me:"How was it?"
Taehyung:"Annoying to be honest. But I'm used to it."
Me:"I wanted to ask you something."
I sat next to him.

Me:"Not to be rude or anything but was Areum always acting so strange?"
Taehyung's eyes widened at this sudden question about Areum.

He thought for a moment.
Taehyung:"Kinda? I mean...she was always rude to other people. But never towards me."
Me:"Do you not care about the fact that she's rude to literally all your friends?"
Taehyung:"It does bother me"
Me:"But you're not saying anything. Did you ever tell her that it bothers you?"
Taehyung:"Once and after that never again."
I laughed at his answer.

Me:"Are you serious? Are you afraid of her or anything?"
Taehyung:"What? No!"
Me:"Then why do you let her be like that all the time? She has literally no manners and is the rudest person I've ever met. I really don't care if she's your girlfriend or not. She's just so annoying and I really want to hit her in the face sometimes."
He looked at me in shock.
Taehyung:"You really dare talking about her like that in front of me?" he got angry.
Me:"You know that your friends are also thinking the same about her?" I was angry of the fact that he literally didn't care about her acting like a brat and just being a total bitch towards everyone except him.

Taehyung:"But they know that this is just the way she acts."
Me:"Why don't you get it already. Nobody likes her except you."
Taehyung:"Why do you talk like that?! Do you want me to break up with her?" he said in a serious tone and extremely angry now.
Me:"It would literally be the best for all of us, also for you..."
Taehyung:"Are you fucking serious right now? Are you jealous?!"
Me:"What?! No, she's toxic Taehyung, you'll never be happy with-„
Taehyung:"Do you like me or something? You're so desperate!" he scoffed.

Taehyung:"YOU OBVIOUSLY ARE THE IDIOT HERE!" he yelled back at me.
Me:"You know what Kim Taehyung? FUCK YOU AND YOUR STUPID GIRLFRIEND." I yelled one last time and left the room.

I started crying and ran outside. Away from this idiot.

Why do I care anyways?

I automatically ran outside and far away from everybody so no one would see me crying like a little baby.

After finding a spot where no one was I sat against a tree.

I took a few deep breathes and stopped myself from crying.

I realized that I left my phone in my room. I hope no one will search for me. I just have to be in Eunha's room to play the game she bought in about three hours.

Taehyung will probably be there too...

Let's just think about Jungkook and his cute bunny smile.

I closed my eyes and thought about things which make me happy.

My family...I wonder how they're doing. I should visit them one day. I hope Eunha and Jisoo are happy. I could go to Jisoo's room and talk with her. Oh no wait. Areum is her Roommate. This freaking b-
Now I'm thinking about her again great...

I opened my eyes and looked around. It was already getting dark so I decided to go back to my room and take a shower. I decided to just ignore Taehyung completely, because after all I can't just not go back to my room.


When I entered my room Taehyung wasn't there.


I smiled to myself and went to take a shower.

Afterwards I went to Eunha's room to mainly get drunk.

(Don't drink if you're still underaged, it's not fun and gives you headache)

Jimin opened the door and greeted me happily.
Me:"Hi Jimin." I tried to smile as well, but it didn't seem real enough because he looked at me concerned.
Jimin:"Are you okay Y/N? You don't look well." He whispered.
Me:"Can I maybe lay down a bit?"
Jimin:"Of course." he gave me a reassuring smiled and led me to Eunha's bed.

No one was here except for Jimin and Eunha. I was the first one to come to their room.

Eunha:"Y/N are you okay?"
Me:"Yes, just very tired."
Eunha:"You could've told us and stay at your room."
Me:"No it's fine, I really wanted to come here."
Eunha:"Because of the alcohol I bet." She laughed and I nodded. „We bought your favorite beer."
Me:"Can I have one please?"
Jimin:"Didn't you want to lay down?"

Me:"Not anymore." I said after Eunha handed me a beer. I emptied the whole bottle in a few seconds.

Jimin:"You're a monster."
Eunha:"Our usual Y/N."
Me:"I didn't eat before. Guess who's gonna be wasted soon."
Eunha:"We made sandwiches, I'll better bring you one or it'll end bad." She brought me a sandwich and I took a bite of it.
Me:"Smells good."
Jimin:"Thanks, I made them mainly." He said proudly.
Eunha:"But with my help."

We continued talking with each other and while the others had their first beer, I had my second.

Someone knocked on the door.
Jimin:"Comiiing." he yelled and opened the door.

Jungkook and J-Hope were here.

J-Hope:"Where's the beer." was the first thing he said.
Jungkook:"Y/N" he said happily when he saw me. „you had two beers already?"
Me:"Yes! And I'll drink the third one now." I opened my third beer.
Jungkook:"Didn't expect you to be an alcoholic" he laughed. „Pass me a beer Jimin." he said and Jimin brought him one.

I started too feel the alcohol.

Eunha:"Funfact guys, Y/N becomes extremely clingy when she's drunk."
Jungkook:"Great, you can clinge onto me the whole night Y/N"
Eunha:"She usually changes the person she clinges onto every ten minutes. Doesn't matter who.„
J-Hope:"Jungkook watch out. I'll steal your girl." He jokingly said.

Me:"Stop telling them such things Eunha." I said and laughed.
Eunha:"I give her half an hour until she starts clinging onto everyone. By the way she also becomes extremely wholesome, which can creep some people out."
Jimin:"And you Eunha?"
Eunha:"I'll start crying and get emotional out of nowhere, just don't mind it."
Jungkook:"This night will be a mess."

Someone knocked on the door.

Jimin:"This must be Taehyung and hopefully without his girlfriend."

My mind was already somewhere else and I didn't listen to Jimin nor did I hear the knocking. I stared at Jungkook and he noticed it.

Jungkook:"You still good Y/N?" he laughed.

All of a sudden Taehyung was standing in the room.

Everyone said Hi to him except me, who was glaring at him. He ignored me and sat next to J-Hope.

Jimin brought him a beer and he also emptied it quickly.

J-Hope:"Wow Taehyung calm down. There's enough beer for the whole night." He chuckled while Taehyung signed Jimin to bring him another one.

Eunha:"So let's start the game."

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