~Chapter 06~

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Hope you enjoy this chapter~
And sorry for the cliffhanger from the last chapter hehehe:)
The Chapter is unedited, so already sorry for the mistakes*~*

Watch the video until 1:40 (or just skip it and imagine it your own)

BANGTANTV, Dance practice - JK & JM ('Own it' choreography by Brian puspose)


Was the only thing I could think of in that moment.

My heart was beating so fast at Jungkooks sight.

Jungkook P.O.V

Jungkook:"I told you to stop calling me by this name!" He said annoyed to Jimin. Everyday he had to tell Jimin to stop calling him Kookie.
Jimin:"Alright" he laughed „I think baby Jungkookie suits you better anyways"
Jungkook:"Hyung stop it!" Jungkook pushed him.
Jimin:"Yaaah, have respect towards your hyung" He said and pushed Jungkook as well.

Tae:"Stop being kids and change into your dancing clothes already" Tae said and slapped us with his T-Shirt.

Jimin and Jungkook did what Tae said and went into their Danceclassroom. They were the first ones to enter the room and decided to warm up.

Tae started the music for them, but didn't join  in their warm up dance.

Jimin and Jungkook were so into dancing, they didn't even notice all the other students looking at them at the beginning.

But as soon as Jungkook noticed you, he couldn't get his eyes off you. During the whole dance he stared at you and you did the same.


After Jimin and Jungkook finished their dance, all the students around them started clapping loudly. I could even hear girls scream.

I looked at Eunha and saw her mouth wide open and how she was obviously staring at Jimin. I waved my hand in front of her until she looked at me. Her mouth still wide open.

Me:"You okay girl?" I laughed.
Eunha:"Can someone be even more perfect than Jimin?" she looked back at him.
Me:"Yes, Jungkook for example" I said and Eunha hit my shoulder.
?:"And Taehyung" Eunha and me turned around to look at the person who just said this.

Eunha:"What are you doing here Areum? I thought you're still in class?"
Areum:"We have a short break so I decided to look for my boyfriend, but I can't see him anywhere" She looked around once again, but couldn't find her boyfriend in the crowd of people.

Me:"Isn't he the guy who's standing next to Jimin and Jungkook?" I pointed at them. Areum looked at where I was pointing at and ran off to him.

Eunha:"Not even a thank you?" she scoffed.
Me:"Is she blind or something? He was literally standing there the whole time"
Eunha:"and in the middle of the room"
We both laughed.

The Teacher entered the room and told us to sit down in a circle, so we could start with the lesson.

Eunha sat down next to Jimin and I sat next to her. I didn't want to sit next to Jungkook, because I thought it would be awkward after the whole staring thing.

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