~Chapter 28~

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„Well then I want to ask you. Why do you like me all of a sudden?" I grinned at him.

Taehyung:"Already starting with such questions?" he laughed. „Well, should I count down all the things which make me like you?"

„You're an idiot." My face turned red and I hit him playfully.

Taehyung:"The most important one is that you're really kind and honest."
Me:"You're the first person to ever call me kind, I mean most people call me honest, but this makes people think I'm rude."
Taehyung:"I guess you can be rude sometimes. But me too, so I'm fine with it." he chuckled „So why exactly do you like me?"
Me:"I'm not sure. I just really like the way you are and act around everyone and especially me. You are also unbelievably handsome."
Taehyung:"Awww you're making me blush." He hid his face with his hands.

We talked for about three hours straight and I learned a lot about him, as well as he did about me.

I thought I was finally genuinely happy

But I knew I couldn't just break Jungkook's heart and I also kinda have feelings for him. Just not as much as I have feelings for Taehyung.

That's overall a terrible feeling.

In this moment a message from Jungkook popped up.

Jungkook:"Are you still up?"

I looked at the time and saw that it was already 11 pm. Taehyung was already asleep on his bed.

Me:"Yes :)"
Jungkook:"I'm not able to fall asleep .-."
Me:"Same here."
Jungkook:"You know...I was thinking about us. Don't we want to take it a step further?"


I wasn't prepared for this at all, what am I supposed to tell him?

Me:"What do you mean with that?"

Wow really good job Y/N, acting dumb.

Jungkook:"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

I decided to not answer him yet and put my phone away. Suddenly I heard a snoring coming from Taehyung, which made me chuckle.

Why does everything have to be so complicated?

I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I had so many thoughts in my head and it wouldn't stop.

Maybe texting Jungkook my answer would help?

But I'm nervous and scared of his reaction.

I looked over at tae's sleeping face.

I'll do it for him.

Me:"Sure, but let's not call it a date, let's just hang out as friends. I don't think I'm ready to date yet. I'm sorry :(„

I hope he won't be hurt too much by my message.

I put my phone away and decided to try falling asleep once again and I luckily was finally able to do so.


The next morning was a bit awkward. Tae and me both didn't really know how to act towards each other. We both decided to start making our plan to have Areum and Jackson start dating. We were sitting on the floor in our room, discussing it.

„Do you really think she'd like the way he acts towards women? He's really disrespectful most of the times" I said and looked at him.

„I mean he made you fall in love with him somehow, so he has to have some weird acting skills to make her like him." he crossed his arms.

I thought for a moment and then had an Idea. „Let's have them meet today."

„How exactly are you planning to make this happen?" he asked.

„Have her wait for you somewhere outside and I'll find a way to make him go there as well." I rested my chin on my hands.

„Are you going to text him or-?"

„Yes, I'll tell him I'd have a surprise waiting for him at this place. His dumbass is definitely going to catch the bait." I rolled my eyes and started to search for his blocked contact on my phone.

„Good idea" he scooted a bit closer towards me. „You're so smart Y/N." he was now sitting closely in front of me, putting a hair strand behind my ear. I looked at him and he did the same.

Our faces were now only a few inches apart from each other. He closed his eyes and so did I. I felt his hot breath on my lips, but this made me come back to reality and I immediately moved my head to the side, so he kissed my cheek.

„I'm so sorry Tae, but we can't yet. You're still in a relationship with someone." I apologized and got up. „I forgot that I planned to meet up with eh- Eunha today. I have to go now. Bye." I said awkwardly and left him there, sitting.

It's so wrong!

I shouldn't be a homewrecker!

He shouldn't be cheating on Areum, even if she's a bitch and he doesn't like her anymore!

He should end it first!

I walked through the corridor, not watching my steps, until I bumped into someone.


„I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-„ I apologized.

„Blind rat" she scoffed and continued walking into the direction of Tae and my room.


Why did I feel bad again? I should be happy when her heart is being shredded into pieces.

No I'm not a bad person.

Stop thinking such stuff.

I hit my head a few times, trying to get that thought out of my head.

After reaching the main hall, I sat down on a bench. I looked at my phone and finally received a message from Jungkook. It said that he's fine with that, whatever makes me happy. Now I felt even worse. He's too good to be true, I thought and sighed.

I received another message, but from Tae. It said that Areum was at the door a few seconds ago and he told her that he'd meet her at 5 pm, at the entrance of the study hall.

I took this as a sign to text Jackson that I'd have a surprise for him at 5 pm at the same spot as Areum is going to be.

Now we just have to wait how this will turn out.

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