Chapter 4

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Logan's P.O.V:

We just finished setting up our apartment fully, and we gave the keys of our old apartment back. Brendan, Mark, George, Lydia, Judy and Ayla came over to just hangout and celebrate us getting a new apartment. We were all talking about the party Evan wants to throw on Saturday (It's currently Thursday). All of a sudden my song 'help me help you' starts playing.

"Who's playing that?" Mark asked and then everyone turned to look at me. It was coming from my phone. Since when was my ringtone 'help me help you'? I took the phone out of my pocket to see the lock screen which had the picture of the girl I bumped into and another girl beside her. They were both wearing my merch. Wait.... If I have her phone.... then she has mine. Fuck.

Elena's P.O.V:

"Oh my god El! How the fuck did you not notice that you picked up the wrong phone?!" Layla Said. Yes, my phone got switched with that guy I bumped into. Apparently he's part of the Logang like me(he had the case). 

"Call your phone so we can get It back" Layla said knocking me out of my thoughts. I dialled my number and called it. No one picked up. You gotta be kidding me.

"Hey.... Uh mom's calling you both" Derek said nicely. Damn.

"Okay we will be down there in a minute" Layla said. He was about to say something, but Layla shut the door on his face.

"Okay we will call your phone and figure out where it is after... For now put that phone on silent and just leave it up here okay?" I nodded and did as she said. Then we both went downstairs and.....

"SUPRISE!!!!" Everyone screamed causing Layla to scream too. 

"Since you guys are leaving tomorrow and this is the last day for all of us to be it's Elena's birthday, we thought we would do something special" Jason said. They had a whole buffet set up with cake and everything.

"Awwwwwww thanks guys" Layla and I said in illusion.

~The Next Morning~

Elena's P.O.V:
Layla and I both woke up at 8:30 am. We said our goodbyes to our old home and our 'family'. We took the bus even though Derek and Jason insisted to drop us off at our apartment, but we declined.

We entered our apartment and the first thing I said was "we need to find my phone".

"I was thinking we could go to the pool...." she said but I gave her a death glare. "Fine... Fine... We will find your phone first."

So we called my phone and waiting for someone to answer...

"Hello?" A husky voice said.

"Uh.... hey it's t-the girl you bumped into yesterday.... Our phones ended up switching" I said.

"Oh yeah... I see you're in the Logang" he said.

"And so are you" I said. I loved Logan Paul. I've had a crush on him since I was fourteen. He's the reason I'm still here. He kept me going, he inspired me. Without him, who knows where I'd be right now.

Logan's P.O.V:
" He's pretty awesome" I said while smiling. She didn't know she was talking about me. I guess she didn't see me yesterday, which makes sense since she didn't even look up.

"Why don't we meet at the Starbucks on Vine Street?" I said.

"Uh sure... um I'll meet you there in fifteen" she said and then cut the phone.


"WAITTTTTT I'M COMING..... I wanna meet this mystery girl" he said.

"So do I" Brendan said running down the stairs with Evan in his arms bridal style. Without a word, we all got in the Yeti and drove off to Starbucks.


Hope you guys enjoyed!

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