Chapter 9

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Layla's P.O.V:

~The next morning~

I woke up with pain in my head. I was only in my bra and underwear, and this isn't my bed. OH. MY. GOD. I was in Logan's apartment. I quickly put on my clothes and ran outside to my apartment. The door was open, Logan probably forgot to lock it. I went into Elena's room and Logan was in her bed.


Logan's P.O.V:

I was laying in Elena's bed trying to sleep, when I heard someone come in.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!" Layla screamed. Oh my god, I just processed what she might've thought happened.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE" I screamed back.

"What's going-" Elena began walking out of the shower, she was only in towel.


"What happened last night? Why is my head pounding so much and why does Layla look like she just found out she's pregnant?" Elena said while groaning.

"All I remember is dancing with you guys, but then I went to the bathroom. Then I got a drink and I don't remember with who and after that everything was just black " she added.

"Okay well basically I found you super drunk. Someone was clearly trying to get you drunk. You said some blonde guy gave you a drink so I thought you were talking about Logan. Logan said it wasn't him. He said he would take care of you, and told me to get Brendan and Evan's help to find out who the fuck drugged you. Next thing I know is I'm in my undergarments in a bed in Logan's apartment. So then I came here and saw Logan in your bed! So explain..." Layla said.

"When I brought Elena to her room she woke up. She started mumbling some next shit that I didn't understand. I put her in her bed and stayed with her till she fell asleep. I didn't wanna leave her alone till you came, so I sat on her chair and ended up falling asleep. Elena woke up and had a massive hang over, so I grabbed her water and aspirin. She told me to sleep in her bed and then she went to take a shower, and then you came" I explained.

"Oh thank god, I thought shit went down in here" Layla said.

"Well clearly some shit went down with you, what room did you wake up in.... please don't tell me you fucked someone in my bed" I said. Layla glared at me.

"I don't know who's room it was, I freaked out and ran to of your apartment" she said.

"Okay why don't we go to your apartment and figure this out" Elena said.

"Umm...shouldn't you put some clothes on?" I said.

"Oh... I have clothes under this, I was just cold so I put my towel on top" she said and then threw her towel onto her bed. With that we went to my apartment to solve the mystery from last night.

-At My Apartment-

"This is the room" Layla said. Oh. My. God.

"This is Evan's room... " Logan said. We all stood there shocked.

"Holy shit... did u fuck Evan?!" Elena questioned in shock.

"WHAT?!" We heard a shocked voice say. It was a deep male voice, it wasn't coming from Evan's closet.

"BRENDAN... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Layla screamed. This is getting very confusing.

"I need an aspirin" he said ignoring what Layla said.

The Phone Call ~ A Logan Paul Fan Fiction (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now