Chapter 1

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Things change every day. People fall in love, people fall out of love. A life is born, a life is taken. Nothing is ever guaranteed or set in stone, no matter how hard you try to make it be. I've spent my whole life loving another, never knowing how or what would happen if he loved me back. Maybe that's why what happened, happened. Or maybe it was God telling me to give up.

  “Cal, don't you dare!” I shout, running around the pool.

  “Oh I dare!” Cal shouts back, a smile radiating from his lips.

  “Okay, I take it back. I didn't mean to push you in. I...I slipped, that's all.”

  “It's too late Farah, what's done is done. Now I'm gonna get you.” He picks up speed, sprinting around the pool and grabbing me by the waist. I shriek as he launches me into the air, sending me flying into the sparkling pool. I hear his laughter from under the water as I make my way to the top.

  “Cal Jacobson!” I shout loud and clear. His face turns red with laughter as he stares at my angered expression.

  Cal has been my best friend since before I could remember. We do everything together, never spending a summer or day apart. Every day he finds a new way to annoy me, sending me into an angered frenzy, but that is just Cal. His eyes sparkle brown and his hair is a dark, sandy blonde that rests past his ears in wavy locks. His face is angular and his lips are full. He has a tan, toned body and rock hard abs. He is strong and fit, never missing an opportunity to work out.  Cal is beautiful, and every girl will admit to that.

  “Farah, what is all the commotion?” My dad asks, looking out the sliding glass door.

  “Nothing, Mr. O'Neil.” Cal says, trying to contain his smile.

  “Well try to keep it down out here, I'm working.”

  “Will do, sir.” Dad gives Cal one last glance before returning to the spare bedroom.

  “See Cal, your gonna get us in trouble.” I complain, climbing out of the pool.

  “Whatever, your dad loves me.” He replies, grabbing my hand and helping me up. I sigh and grab a towel, drying myself off.

  “Hey, are you coming to my game at three?” Cal asks.

   Cal is the best baseball player I know. He says one day he's gonna play in the major leagues, and I wouldn't doubt it. He has the best record in town, and already has colleges looking at him and we are only juniors. Cal is amazing when it comes to baseball.

  “Of course, Cal. I've never missed one of your games, have I?” I reply.

  “Nope, that's why your the bestest best friend ever.” He smiles and hugs me briefly.

  “You better go get ready, its almost one.”

  “Shoot, okay. What would I do without you?”

  “I have no idea. Now get to walking Fabio.” He smiles and grabs his stuff, heading out the gate.

   I wrap my towel around me and walk inside. I head up the wooden steps to my bedroom. My bedroom is simple with light pink walls, a white vanity and a white day bed. My walls are decorated with pictures of me and Cal pinned with thumbtacks. Every summer we take a million pictures. I pick the best ones and pin them on my wall. My favorite picture is one of me and Cal when we were fifteen. It was the summer of our freshman year, and we were both at the baseball fields. Cal's arm is snug around my shoulder as we both stare at the camera, him in his white baseball uniform and me in a tank top and shorts.

  I touch the picture lightly, remembering that day. I sigh and look into the mirror. My dark brown hair is all wet and lies snug against my back. My brown eyes are watery and my eyeliner is coming off. I stare at my reflection in my vanity mirror, examining my pink lips and tan skin.

  I look the same as I did when Cal first met me. The only exception is I've gotten taller and older. But I'm pretty much still the girl he only considers a best friend. I can remember, in perfect detail, the day I fell in love with Cal. It was the day of his thirteenth birthday. He bought me an ice cream bar with his birthday money. From then on I viewed him with a different perspective. I began to notice the way his hair flows to the left when the wind blows. How his brown eyes seem to change to topaz when the light hits them just right. How whenever Lil' Wayne comes on the radio, he instantly becomes a gangster. Cal is beautiful beyond compare. Loving him is easier than breathing. His very presences sends chills down my spine. But how can I continue to love someone who doesn't even love me back?

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