Chapter 12

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“Farah, it's going to be okay.” Cal reassures me from his spot on the bed. I gasp for air as the nurse pats my back. I can feel it, the vomit rising from the pit of my stomach and making its way to my throat. I stand up and run to the bathroom in the hall. As soon as I make it to the stall the vomit makes it way out of my mouth. I throw up until I can't anymore, my body shaking from crying.

  “Miss O’Neil, are you okay?” The nurse asks, checking the stalls for me.

  “No,” I mumble, tears still falling from my eyes. “Cal, he's...he's dying!” She finally finds me in the last stall.

  “I meant your stomach. Did you eat something bad for breakfast?” She replies.

   I think back to what I had to eat. My mom had fixed me eggs and toast, my favorite. “I had eggs.” I say.

  “Aw, that could do it. Why don't you lay down next to Cal? He could use some company and it could help ease your stomach.” I wipe my eyes and stand up, following her back into the room. Cal nervously looks me over.

  “Are you okay? What's wrong?” He asks frantically.

  I walk over and sit down beside him on the bed. He puts his arm around me. “Farah just had some rotten eggs for breakfast. She will be fine. Let her rest beside you. I'll be back to check on you before you head home.” Cal thanks the nurse as she heads out of the room.

  “I threw up.” I mumble, laying my head on Cal's chest.

  “Well your better now. Just rest, I should be done soon.” He kisses me softly on the forehead and holds me tight against his body. I close my eyes and will my tears to stop. I shut my mind off from the world, knowing if I think about what is happening to Cal I will have another break down.          


   Cal drops me off at my house, kissing me before heading home. I sigh and walk through the front door, slamming it shut behind me.

  “Farah, is that you?” My mom calls from the kitchen.

  “Yes mom!” I call. “Who else could it be?” I mumble to myself as I head up the wooden stair case to my room.

   I fall against my cotton sheets, indulging myself in warmth. What had happened today? Why had I freaked out? Sure, Cal having cancer was definitely a reason to freak out. But why do I keep doing that? A tear falls from my eyes. Cal has been my everything since before we could spell our names. He has been by my side, as a friend or more, from the day I started school. Cal is more than just some boy I have a crush on. He is, and always will be, the missing puzzle piece that holds me together. He is the love that fills my heart, the warmth that fills my body. I love Cal more than words can even begin to describe.

   I close my eyes for a moment, imagining Cal’s warm smile as we swim in Old Man Creek’s pond. It takes me back to the day we went camping and how much fun we had. The smell of hot dogs and smores…

   I hold my mouth as vomit threatens to spew from it. I jump up and race the bathroom, barely making it. The thought of smores just makes me want to…I throw up once again.

  “What the hell is wrong with me?” I ask myself as I wash my mouth. I shake my head as I hop down the stairs and into the kitchen.

  “Mom, those eggs you fixed this morning were bad.” I say, sitting down at the counter. She looks at me, taking a small break from cooking.

  “No they weren’t. I just got them yesterday. Why would you say that?” She replies. I sit there for a moment, my mind stumped. If it isn’t the eggs, then what is causing me to get sick?

  “It’s just that when I went to the hospital today with Cal, I threw up. The nurse said it was probably the eggs.”

  “Hmm, well do you feel bad?”

  “No, not really. Maybe it’s just because I’m about to start my period. I’m gonna go lay down for a bit.” I head up the stairs to my room and lay down on my bed. I think for a moment, trying to decipher the reason I am getting sick. It could be because I am a week late and…

  I sit up abruptly, my eyes widening. That-that couldn’t be the reason. I can’t be…but what if I am? Oh my God what am I going to do? What will Cal say? What will my parents say? No, I can’t be…pregnant.

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