Chapter 10

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Cal's P.O.V *

  Tears fall from my eyes as I storm out of the diner. How do people know about my disease? I was hoping I could keep it under wraps, allowing no one to find out. Unfortunately, I was mistaken. Somebody had told, and now everyone knows. Pretty soon I will be receiving get well soon cards, apology letters, donations and anything else people will think to give me as a way of showing their remorse.

  I stomp down the sidewalk, ignoring the piercing eyes on my back. Farah wouldn't tell, would she? Maybe she would as a way of venting. Maybe someone over heard her talking to a friend, and that's how everyone found out. Or maybe she just blabbed, out right telling everyone as a way to make me feel better. Well I don't feel better in any way, shape or form.

  “Cal, what's wrong?” My mom asks as I charge through the door.

  I turn to lash out on my mom. “Farah told everybody about me having cancer!” I shout. “How could...why would...I don't understand!”

 “Calm down, Cal. Now, tell me everything.”

  I started from the beginning, telling her about how I told Farah, her telling me she loved me, all the way up to this morning. The only parts I neglected to tell her were the night at the baseball field and the writings on the tree house wall.

  “Wow, those are some interesting events.” My mom replies. “Now, how do you know Farah was the one that told Sarah?” She asks, fidgeting.

  “Well she had to of. Who else would have told?” She stares at me blandly.

  “Um, well Cal, Rebecca Nightly and I happen to be good friends.”

   I shrug. “Your point?” She hesitates for a moment, trying to put it in layman terms. 

  “Cal, I told Rebecca. She must have told Sarah.” I stare at her angrily, not moving.

  “You were the culprit behind this massive catastrophe!” I spit, my words becoming increasingly big with every angry breath.

  “I needed someone to talk to.” She replies. “My son is dying for God's sake!”

  “Don't you dare use that for an excuse!” I roar. “I am dying, but that is no reason to spill our secrets to petty friends!”

  “Cal, how do you think I am taking this?” She replies, tears forming in her eyes. “I am your mother! I gave birth to you and now your...your dying!” She collapses to the floor, her face buried in her hands. I hesitate for a moment, my ears ringing with anger. I decide not to help her up and barge out the door and down the sidewalk.

   How could she tell anyone my secret, let alone Rebecca Nightly? She was my mother, and weren't mothers supposed to protect their child? She isn't protecting me, but simply calling me out, forcing the humiliation to rain on me like a storm cloud. She was causing the pain, not my cancer.

  I walk furiously to the tree house, not stopping to look at the passers-by. Once I reach the huge oak tree, I climb the wooden ladder and make my way to the wooden platform above. To my surprise, Farah is sitting there, her back turned to me. She is facing the wall, not moving an inch.

  “Farah?” I say gently. She doesn't respond as if she hadn't heard me in the first place. “Farah?” I say once more. She whips around, her cheeks stained with dried tears.

  “What?” She asks bitterly. Guilt fills my body, making me unable to talk. “Well, say something or leave. Better yet, just leave. I'd rather not talk to you anyway.” She turns her back to me once more, running the back of her hand across her face.

   I stand there for a moment, not knowing what to do. I had hurt her once again, something I promised myself long ago that I wouldn't do. I kneel down beside her, half expecting her to turn around.

  “Farah,” I say, placing my hand on her shoulder. She shakes her head. “Farah, please look at me. I'm sorry for this morning. I'm sorry I snapped. It's just...God Farah, you don't understand.” She turns around, flinging herself into my arms. I cradle her like a shattered child.

  “I love you, Cal.” She breathes against my neck.

  “I love you too, Farah.” I mumble into her hair. “And I'm sorry for what happened.”

  “It's okay. I guess I really don't understand. But I'm trying to Cal, I really am.” Her brown eyes gaze deep into mine.

   “I know you are,” I reply, stroking her hair. Farah leans up and kisses me softly, pulling the universe back into balance. Just the pressure of her lips against mine reassures me that everything will be okay, for now.

The Summer Cal LeftWhere stories live. Discover now