Chapter 4

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The wind blows, ruffling my hair. Birds chirp and the sun is hot against my closed eye lids. I stir, half asleep, and open my eyes to the bright sunlight. I am snuggled close to Cal's sleeping body, my head resting upon his bare chest. I sigh heavily, waking up Cal. He opens his eyes and looks at me briefly, then closes them again.

  “'Morning hot lips.” He breaths, stretching. I laugh and sit up, looking out into the empty field. I yawn a few times before reaching for my cell phone beside me. I look at the time, noticing its already ten o'clock.

  “Hey honey buns, wake up.” I say, shaking Cal. “It’s already ten. We better get going before my parents get worried.”

  Cal sighs heavily and sits up. “Okay. Pick up the blankets and stuff and I will start loading stuff in the car.” I nod in agreement, rising to my feet. I pick up my swim suit that I left on the ground to dry out and place it in my bag. I empty the cooler, draining the ice in the grass. Cal pulls his white t-shirt over his head, slipping on his flip-flops. He grabs my bag and the cooler, putting it in the back of his black SUV.

  “Hey, do you want something to eat?” He calls as I dust off the blanket we slept on.

  “Yeah. What did you bring?” I reply.

  “Your favorite, chocolate chip pop tarts.” He smiles and hands me a pop tart.

  “Thanks. Here,” I hand him the brown blanket and he puts it in the car as I bite into my pop tart.

  “How mad do you think your dad will be about us not getting home until eleven?” Cal asks, coming to stand by me.

  “I thought he loved you?” I ask innocently, trying not to smile.

  “Well he does. I was just saying that I don't want you to get in trouble.” I push him slightly, finishing off my pop tart.

  “We better get going. Don't you have practice today?”

  “Shoot I totally forgot. Yeah I do, it's at one. Damn it.”

   I roll my eyes. “What would you do with out me?” I head to the passenger side of the car. I look back at Cal and notice he isn't moving.

  “What's wrong?” I ask.

  “Nothing, I just feel a little light headed is all.” He opens and closes his eyes a few times before making his way to the drivers side. I hop in the car and buckle my seat belt.

   I watch Cal carefully, noticing his tight grip on the door handle. Slowly he begins to sway back and forth.

  “Cal?” I say. He falls to the ground abruptly. “Cal!” I shout. Quickly, I unbuckle my seat belt and jump out of the car, running to him. He is laying on the ground, his eyes rolling in the back of his head. His body jerks every which way, his left arm tensing up. “Cal!” I shout helplessly, falling to my knees beside him. He doesn't open his eyes or stop jerking. He can't hear me.

  Tears form in my eyes as I unsuccessfully shout his name. What is wrong? Why wont he stop? Why wont he talk to me? A million questions race through my head as I reach for my phone. As fast as my fingers can type I punch in the 911.

  “Hello what's your emergency?” A lady asks, answering the phone.

  “My-my friend...he is shaking and his eyes are in the back of his head. He-he wont answer me.” I stutter, sobbing.

  “Ma'am calm down. Your friend is having a seizure. Where are you at?” She asks calmly.

  “Uh...uh I don't know. We-we are at Old Man Creek's field behind his house.” I say. Middleton North Carolina is a very small town. Everybody knows everybody so the operator is bound to know what I am talking about.

  “Okay, an ambulance is on its way, ma'am. Just stay on the phone with me. Your friend will be alright.”

  “Okay,” I murmur, “okay.” I continue to cry, staring down at Cal. His body has stopped jerking but his eyes remain closed. He's not moving at all, not even breathing. Cal, my Cal, could very well be dead.

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