Chapter 11

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                                    * Farah's P.O.V *

    Cold air slams against my warm cheeks, a shiver runs down my spine. I cross my arms across my chest in hopes of warming up. A familiar smell that everybody knows creeps its way into my nose. I sigh heavily, unprepared for the day's events.

   “What's gonna happen, Cal?” I ask, looking up at him. He sighs as if about to explain an adult conversation to a child.

    “Well, Farah, the doctors are gonna put an IV through my arm.” I wince at the thought. “Through the IV, chemo will be pumped into my body. It should only take an hour.” I nod.

    “Do you want me to hold your hand?” I ask, a childish question.

    Cal smiles halfheartedly and squeezes my hand. “Needles do scare me.” He replies softly. I walk closely beside him as we walk down the hospital corridor to where Cal's doctor instructed him to go. I watch as people pass me, some without hair. I mentally shake myself, trying not to think about what will happen to Cal.

   “Cal, will it hurt? The chemo I mean.” I ask as we make our way into the elevator.

   “The doctor said it wont hurt when it's being injected into me. He said it will start hurting after a while, throwing up, weakness, not really any pain.” I look down at the tile of the elevator floor. “Hey,” Cal says, putting his arm around my waist. “Everything is going to be alright. I promise you, Farah.” I look up into his eyes and see the truth behind his words. I nod.

   “Okay.” I reply softly. The elevator dings and we head down another long hallway. Cal reads the signs, directing us towards the chemo room. We head inside a huge waiting room with couches and chairs. There are many people sitting and reading or talking. We walk up to the front desk and knock on the glass window.

   “Hello,” a woman says, sliding back the glass. “How can I help you?”

   “I am here for a chemo treatment.” Cal replies.

   “Okay, I just need you to fill out this form for me.” She hands Cal a clip board with a form on it. He thanks her and then we both sit down.

    I look over Cal's shoulder, watching as he fills out the white form. The basic information is needed, such as name, D.O.B, address, and so forth. He fills it out quickly, returning it to the lady who had given it to him.

   “Now what do we do?” I ask as he walks back over to me.

   “She said to go down this hall right here,” he points out the entrance, “and keep going straight until we come upon an emergency looking room. My doctor should be in there.”

   I stand up. “Well, let's go.” Cal leads the way down the cold corridor. I hold his hand as we make our way into the room we were instructed to go into.

  “Cal Jacobson,” A voice calls. We both look across the room at a tall man with dark brown hair. His glasses lay at the tip of his nose, and his rough hands write something down on a piece of paper. He looks to be about thirty-something.

  “Dr. Riddler,” Cal replies. We walk over to the man, standing next to a hospital bed with a curtain around it, blockading it from other people. “What's up, Doc?”

  “Why don't you have a seat on the bed, Cal. And you are?” He looks at me intently, a warm smile on his face.

  “Farah, Cal's girlfriend.” I reply, shaking his hand.

  “Ah, Farah. Have a seat right over there, Farah.” He points to a red leather chair in the corner of the divided room. I take a seat and grab Cal's hand as he drapes it over the bed.

  “So, what happens from here?” Cal asks.

  “Yeah, what do we do?” I add.

  “Well, usually Cal, a nurse will be with you but I wanted to be here since it was your first time. What will happen is, the nurse will place an IV in your arm, and tape it down, like this.” Dr. Riddler takes Cal's right arm and lays it flat. He sticks an IV in his arm, right in the crease of his elbow. Cal squeezes my hand tight. “That's really all there is to it. Now, the nurse will probably come in every ten to fifteen minutes to make sure you are alright. If you need anything, you can press that button right there,” he points to a red button on the side of the hospital bed, “and a nurse will come assist you. I don't want you to move a whole lot. Just try to be as still as possible. It shouldn't take any longer than an hour, but once you are done, I want to come talk to you, so don't leave so quickly. It's good you brought Farah along for company, it can get boring.”

   “Yeah, thanks Dr. Riddler.” Cal replies. Dr. Riddler smiles and closes the curtain, leaving Cal and I alone.

   Cal situates his self on the bed, getting comfortable. He stares around the room for a moment, neither of us talking.

   “How many times do you have to do this?” I ask, breaking the silence.

   “I don't know. Until the cancer is gone, I guess.” He replies.

    I ask the question that has been on my mind all day. “When will you loose your hair?”

   Cal gulps, not answering for a while. “I should start pretty soon.” He replies softly. “Maybe even as soon as next week.” Tears form in my eyes as he replies. Next week? The Cal I have known my whole life will be visibly different by next week. How-how could this happen? Why is this happening to my beautiful Cal? He has never done anything wrong in his life. He doesn't deserve this. This shouldn't be happening!

   “How is everything going in here?” A nurse asks, walking into the separated room. Cal opens his mouth to answer, but I cut him off.

   “Make it stop!” I plead, yelling at her from my seat in the chair. “Make it go away! He...he doesn't deserve this! He didn't do anything!” Tears stream down my face as I fall to my knees. The nurse comes over to me and hugs me as Cal says my name gently. I shake uncontrollably, unable to stop the tremors that rocket through my body. I can't do it anymore. I can't bare the thought of my Cal leaving me.

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