Chapter 7

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                                                        * Cal's P.O.V *

  I throw the rock up and hit it with the barrel of my wooden bat, launching it into the summer air. Farah tried to talk to me today, and I ignored her. It killed me to walk past her as if she didn't even exist. I saw the hurt in her eyes as I backed out of my driveway. But what was I supposed to do? Tell her I was fine? What would I say if she were to ask why I have been ignoring her for a week? I don't have the answers for her.

  I hit another rock, becoming angry at myself. I should just tell her. After all, she is my best friend. She was there for me when Krista Reeds broke my heart. She was even there when I fell out of the tree when I was eleven and broke my arm, scared I would never play baseball again. Farah never ignored me, so why am I ignoring her?

  “What is wrong with me?” I shout into the warm air.

  “That's the same thing I was about to ask.” A voice replies. I look towards second base and notice Farah standing there with her arms crossed. Her eyes are red and puffy as if she had been crying.

  “Farah,” I say, unable to come up with anything else.

  “Why have you been ignoring me?” She asks, angry.

  “Because...well I-I don't know.” I reply honestly.

  She rolls her eyes. “What do you mean you don't know?” She shouts. “Cal, your my best friend. We have spent every waking moment together since seventh grade, and all of a sudden you don't want to? Something is wrong.”

  I gulp, not knowing what to say. Farah was right. She is always right. “Nothing is wrong, Farah. Just go on home.” She stands there, feet planted in the dirt.

  “Cal, just please tell me.” Her eyes start to water. “I miss my best friend.” I shake my head, closing my eyes. I miss her too, much more than she knows. It kills me to lie to her, but what am I supposed to do?

   “Farah, nothing is wrong.” I say, my eyes still closed. “Just please, please go home.” She stands there, not moving. Anger fills her perfect brown eyes.

   “No, Cal. I refuse to leave here without an answer. Your really starting to piss me off!” She shouts, anger like acid on her tongue. I clench my fist, not wanting to get in a shouting match.

   “Well your not getting an answer.” I reply calmly.

   “Fine, I'll just ask your mother!” I stand there, frozen. Mom would definitely tell her. But would Farah really go to her?

   “Just butt out Farah!” I shout loud and clear. “Just don't freaking worry about it!”

   “Hmm, is your mom home?” She crosses her arms and looks at me, devious. Anger boils inside me like hot water. Before I know it the words are pouring from my mouth, spoiling Farah's mood. 

   “I have brain cancer, Farah! There, are you happy?” I shout, tears streaming from my eyes. She doesn't look at me, doesn't move. Her lips quiver as she slowly begins to cry. I watch as she crumbles to the ground, her knees going weak. She lays there in a crumpled ball, sobbing her brown eyes out. In the silence I can hear her heart slowly begin to break.

   I walk over to her, dropping to my knees beside her. I wrap my arms tight around her shaking body.

  “No,” she murmurs, “you-you can't leave me. Not before I've even gotten the chance to love you.” My eyes widen in amazement. She stares up at me, tears glistening on her cheek.

  “Farah, I've loved you my whole life.” I reply softly. “I've never doubted for a minute that you weren't the most beautiful girl that I have ever layed eyes on.” Her eyes widen for a moment, and suddenly something happens that I have wished for forever. She leans in, kissing me square on the mouth. Her lips are soft beneath mine. Gently, I caress her face as she leans her body against mine. All too soon she pulls away, and the kiss is over.

  “Cal, are you dying?” She asks quietly. I sigh.

  “I believe I am, Farah.” Tears slide down her cheek.

  “You can't die Cal. It's just not fair.” She lays her head on my shoulder, crying even more. I hold her tight, willing my tears to stop.

  “I know it's not, life isn't fair. But at least I have you now, and that's all that matters.” She looks up at me and kisses me once more, this time with more passion than ever. She flings her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. Nothing seems more right than being with her.

The Summer Cal LeftWhere stories live. Discover now