Chapter 16

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                                                          Cal P.O.V

   Pain radiates through my body, causing tremors to rocket through me. It doesn’t stop, no matter how loud I scream for help. My mom pants frantically as she calls 911, kneeling beside me on the cold concrete. I beg for the pain to stop, telling her the ambulance needs to hurry. She rubs my back, trying to soothe me but it doesn’t work.

  The ambulance arrives within minutes, hauling me on a stretcher and placing me in the back quickly. The last thing I see is bright lights. The bright lights of the back of the ambulance flash in my eyes, causing the pain to increase. Sounds fade away into the distance, becoming nothing but a memory. Images lose their color, fading to nothing but black. The last image I see behind closed eyes before I lose conciseness is Farah.


                                                                   Farah P.O.V

   The car can’t go fast enough as I race down the winding road toward the hospital. It feels like years before I finally arrive, jumping out of the car. I dash to through the main doors and up to a lady behind a desk.

   “Cal, Cal Jacobson, where is he?” I pant, out of breath.

   “Now hold on one moment.” She says, holding up her finger. She types rather slowly on her keyboard, scanning the screen.

   “Aha, he’s in room 203. That’s on the 3rd floor.” She replies, looking at me. I don’t have time to respond. I rush to the elevator, barely catching it before it closes. I frantically push the button with the 3 on it, the elevator not moving fast enough.

  Finally, the doors open up onto the 3rd floor and I follow the signs directing me towards Cal’s room. I finally approach it, Wendy standing outside.

  “Thank God you’re here.” She says, tears streaming down her face. She hugs me tight, letting go quickly. “You need to see him, now.” The tone of her voice scares me, preparing me for the worst. I take a deep breath and try to hold back tears as I walk into Cal’s room.

   His body lies unmoving on the plain hospital bed. I look over him once, taking in his pale skin and boney body. Silently, a tear falls down my cheek, landing on the collar of my shirt. Cal’s head turns and he looks at me, smiling.

   “Farah,” He says faintly. I wipe my face and fake a smile, walking over to him.

   “Hi,” I reply, sitting on the bed. “How do you feel?”

   His smile vanishes and he stares out the window into the blackness of the night. Many silent moments pass before he finally speaks, still not looking at me.

   “It’s time Farah.” He replies somberly. “It’s time for me to go.” I grip his hand, shaking my head back and forth. Tears fling from my eyes, but I don’t care.

   “No,” I repeat over and over. “No, no, no. Cal everything will be okay. You will get through this. You are strong.” He shakes his head, now looking into my eyes.

   “Farah, everybody dies some time. It’s just my time.” More tears flow from my eyes as I frantically shake my head back and forth. Cal holds my hand tight, trying to soothe me.

  “No, the doctors, they will help you. Please don’t give up Cal. You can’t leave me, not now and not ever.” He takes a deep breath, faking a smile. I can see the tears building up in his eyes.

  “Farah, you might not be able to hold me when I’m gone, but I’ll always be with you. Here, right in here.” He places his hand over my heart, and I cover it with my shaking palm.

  “I’ll always love you, Cal.” I reply softly.

  “And I’ll always love you, Farah.” He sits up, inching his face closer to mine. Softly, his thin lips meet mine in a magical kiss that ends all too quickly. He pulls away gently, resting his head on his white pillow.

  He pats his chest, signaling me to lie down next to him. Delicately, as if he could break at any moment, I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

  “Cal,” I say. “There is something I have to tell you.”

  “What is it?” He asks. I take a deep breath, knowing what I have to say. I open my mouth, ready for the words to pour out. As soon as I’m about to speak, the monitor beeps loudly. I look up in enough time to see the beats of his heart flattening out. Pain fills my body as tears pour out of my eyes.

  “I’m pregnant!” I shout, shaking his shoulders, hoping he will wake up. “I’m having your baby!” He doesn’t move, doesn’t make a sound. I cry out for help, not knowing what else to do. Tears block my vision as people in white coats try to pry me from Cal, my Cal. I hear Wendy’s voice in the distance, sobbing loudly. Male voices say my name, trying to loosen my grip on Cal’s lifeless body.

  I don’t ease up, don’t let go. I burry my face in his neck, quietly sobbing.

  “Cal, please wake up. Please Cal, don’t go. You can’t leave me, not now. Please.” I beg, knowing that he can hear me. Hoping, praying, he will answer back.

  It seems like hours, days even, before I let go of him. I know it’s only minutes before the doctors get me off of him, but it feels like an eternity. I fall to the ground, my face hitting the cool tile floor. A puddle of tears form beneath my face. Nothing else matters at that moment. The screaming doctors, Wendy sobbing, the people passing by in the hall, staring at us, they all don’t matter. The only thing that matters, that has ever mattered, is Cal. He’s gone, gone forever. Never again will I get to kiss his thin lips or fall asleep in his tan arms. Never again will he tell me he loves me. Cal will never be alive again.

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