Delirious Mari

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Mari's POV

Me and Chat were just having our normal, daily conversation when I started to feel dizzy and lightheaded.

Then I remembered that I was caught in the rain when I was coming home from an Akuma attack yesterday. Oh, great! Now I'm getting sick!

Before I knew it I had collapsed to the floor.

Chat caught me.

He didn't say anything. His face was emotionless.

But I didn't notice what he was doing until I felt his breath softly blowing on  my face.

He was smirking knowingly now, his lips only centimetres away from touching mine.

My breathe hitched at the close proximity.

He slowly rested his forehead on mine.

I blushed.

"You, my princess, have a fever."

Then he backed away.

My heartbeat was beating much slower now. Phew...

"Oh, it's probably just a cold. It'll go away," I said, trying to brush it off.

"No, what you have is definitely not a 'cold'. I'll be right back with something to help break your fever."

Then he turned around and went to the medicine cabinet.

I'm so glad my parents went out for a "parents night out" tonight. I'm not sure what'd they say about one of  Paris's heroes being in my room, and I don't want to know either.

A few minutes later Chat came back with a glass of water, a dose of pills, a a damp cloth.

"Take these pills and lay down in bed. You need to rest," he instructed.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you wasting your time on me?"

He looked at me, shocked.

"You are not a waste of my time; not one bit. Why am I doing this?"

I looked at him, signalling him to continue.

"Because I care for you. You're my friend, and friends care for one another when they need it."

I smiled at his answer. What did I do to deserve him as my friend and my partner...

All of a sudden I felt really, really weird.

And that's when it escalated from there.

Chat Noir's POV

She went from calm to delirious in seconds.

"Chat, I have a secret to tell you~"

I looked at her skeptically. I guess it was the fever.


"You know how you love Ladybug, right? You really, really, really wanna know her identity?"

I blushed at the mention of Ladybug. Even though Mari was delirious, I was curious.

"Wait, you know her identity?!"


"Can you tell me...?" (That was a stupid question...)

She perked up. "Sure!"

She suddenly leaned in extremely close to me.

"The identity of Ladybug is..."


She instantly fell asleep. She landed on me, making me fall backwards onto her bed.

She then murmured ever so softly...


Wait, WHAT?!

I suddenly had a million questions fill my mind. But I couldn't ask any of them because Mari was already fast asleep.


I didn't care that she didn't take her pills.

I didn't care that she was delirious.

My lady was my princess, and I loved both of her with all my heart, mind, and soul.

I know, it's a very pawful oneshot. (Yes, that was a pun.) It just popped in my head, so it wasn't thought put that well. Well, I know most of you seem to like Marichat, so why not do another one? I know, you guys are probably bored of them by know. This is why I'm always open for requests! Don't be shy!😉

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