Happy Hallow..... Scream.

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Get ready for me trying to write something scary.😂 HAPPY HALLOWEEN!🎃

Mari's POV

I tossed and turned in my bed for the hundredth time tonight. I couldn't rest for nothing because I heard annoying scratching noises in my room. We must have mice or something.

I sighed exasperatedly. "Tikki?"


I grinned slightly. Sometimes she'd place "hide and seek" when I couldn't sleep, hoping that I'd eventually get tired because if searching for her for so long. She's a really good hider.

I laughed lightly and got out if bed. "Alright Tikki, where are you hiding?"

Later, I'd been looking for her for about 20 minutes but I still couldn't find her.

I yawned. "Come on, Tikki. I'm getting tired. You can come out now."


Now I was starting to get a little confused. By now she should have come out.

"M...mar...in....ette," whispered a raspy, squeaky voice.

I spun around to see Tikki in the hands of someone. The person was squeezing her by the throat.

I couldn't see the figure's face, for they were hidden by the dark shadows of my room.

Fear struck my heart when I saw deep, bloody scratch marks all over my room. There was blood stains all over the walls, ceiling, and floor.

"What the freaking heck happened?!" My thoughts screamed.

I turned in the person's direction and yelled, "Who are you and-"

I stopped yelling when I heard creepy, hypnotic whispering noises flood the room. They called out to me, beckoning my mind to rest...

I then collapsed onto the bed and instantly fell asleep.


It felt like I blinked and woke up. I looked the window; it was still nighttime since it was still pitch black outside.

I shrugged and layed back down. But as soon as i did, I heard the whispering noises again, and they sounded like they were coming from under my bed....

Now in most stories, the girl looks under the bed, sees a monster, and screams and sometimes gets killed by the monster.

Not in this story.

I quickly snatched some earplugs off my nightstand (pretend she has one) and put them in my ears.

"Problem solved," I smirked to myself. (Even though there was blood all over the place and scratch marks everywhere, I for some reason was stupid enough to not run all the way to Timbuktu.)

Suddenly, there was weight added go my bed, making it sink in a little. I glanced to see...

Nothing. But...

There was blood.

Ok, time to run to Timbuktu.

I jumped outta bed and booked it toward the balcony so I could transform and run away. But as my feet touched the floor, I fell down due to my clumsiness.

"Hello princess," An echoy, raspy voice said softly.

I looked up to see Chat Noir...

But he was...


Well, that's the only way I could describe him. There were scratch marks all over himself, with blood dripping off of them. He was covered in blood stains. His hair was unkept, oily, and looked like a rat's nest. His skin was a sickly, dead-like pale.

But the scariest thing was that one of his eyes were gone, and the other was a mellow, dead yellow, with it having a psychotic look.

"You'll finally be mine, my lady."

And that was the last memory I ever made...

Alive, anyways.

And poor Tikki...

She had to join me, too.

If only I didn't reject Adrien.

Then none of this would ever have happened.

I put a little twist in it... Mari rejected Adrien, who came back to get her as a dead Chat Noir. Why do you think Mari rejected Adrien? Why do tjink he died and came back as Chat Noir and not Adrien? Hmmmm....😏🤔
(Btw, there will be no part two to answer these questions. The story already ended, so there's no point in a part two anyways.)

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