A Lil' Ladrien...

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Just to let y'all know, this is based of of the episode "Riposte", which has a boat-load of Ladrien in it. (Btw, if you haven't seen it yet you should seriously check it out.) If you do not want spoilers, I suggest you do not read this.

For the sake of this one shot, Kagami/Riposte already has seen Marinette and Chat Noir.

Ladybug snatched Adrien into her arms, not noticing how protective she was being.

Adrien blushed at the sudden movement. Ladybug then noticed and giggled sheepishly. But, wanting to stay on task, she shook her head and swung away with Adrien in her arms.

Once she thought they were safe from the raging villian who wanted to practically kill  them, Riposte, Ladybug landed on a nearby roof.

"Phew," They thought to themselves.

Suddenly a familiar, menacing voice shouted at them, "HEY! I'M BACK FOR THAT REMATCH!"

"Nevermind," LB and Adrien mumbled in unison.

In Riposte's (aka Kagami's) mind...

"Wait... I see the resemblance. Ladybug is that girl, Marinette, and Adrien is Chat Noir. Hmmm..."

She imagines what Mari and Adrien would look like as a couple.

"THAT'S IT. I SHIP IT!!!! And since they're the same people, I can make the ship sail NOW!"

"Hold on a second, forget the rematch. I need to tell you both something..." she said.

LB and Adrien were puzzled by her sudden change in mood. Her voice was calm and softer instead of menacing and furious.

Riposte casually strolled up to Adrien and Ladybug, saying the ever-so awaited-to-be-said-magnificent words, "Adrien, Ladybug is Marinette. Ladybug, Adrien is Chat Noir."

"Wait, WHA-"

"Oh, come on already," Riposte complained. "Just kiss already!!"

Both of the lovers' faces turned from ghost white to a deep crimson in a matter of seconds, flustered at the villian's words.

"M-m-maybe n-not at this very m-moment..." Adrien muttered quietly. However, Riposte still heard him. She smirked.

"Don't be shy, Adrien & Ladybug. Everyone wants you two to become canon!"

"W-who is 'everyone'?" Ladybug asked, still a bit flustered.

Riposte chuckled and thought to herself, "Oh, they have NO idea..."

Let's just say it wasn't that long until Ladrien actually did become canon.

And, if you listened closely, you could hear the extremely faint squeals of the Ladrien fangirls far, far away in another universe...

Sorry about the inactivity for... months. My mind was dryer than the Sahara desert, school made me really busy, and I found this as a draft so I decided to finish it and publish it. Oh, and sorry for the cheesiness in this... I try.😂

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