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*Demi's POV*

"My god did you hear her speak" I gushed to Kelsey

"Which her? There were three of them" She laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"The girl who served me my drink" I spoke, taking another slip of my delicious drink. 

"Yeah, alright and?" Kelsey asked, looking at her phone. 

"God, you'd think for a personal assistant you'd pay attention more" I grumbled, hopping into the car.

I pulled Batman into my lap, and we left to head back to my house. 

I arrived home and Batman was all excided.

I let him down and I started gushing to Kelsey about the girl behind the counter. 

"I think her speaking French was the hottest thing I've ever heard. I don't even know what the hell she was saying and I was so memorialized and turned on" I gushed and Kelsey laughed.

"Keep it in your pant's Lovato" She laughed, plopping down on the sofa. 

"Stuff it pudgy" I grumbled, throwing a pillow at her, hitting her in the back of her head.

"Who you calling Pudgy?" She exclaimed, turning around to face me. 

 "I thought it was obvious" I shrugged, setting my drink down. 

"Look, Batman's put on a few pounds but calling him pudgy is just rude" She exclaimed, holding up Batman who looked clueless. 

I just shook my head letting out a small giggle and I plopped down on the couch, running my hand through my short hair as I slipped off my heels, stretching out my sore feet. 

We chatted for a while, before I stalked some of my fan's Instagram accounts, seeing what they had to say today.

I accidently liked a post and I mentally cursed to myself.

I decided to send a sweet comment, to late now that I liked it so might as well play it off coolly. 

"Kels, we got a problem" I mumbled.

"Mhmm?" She murmured. 

"I can't get that girl outta my head and her stupid sexy French speak" I grumbled, rubbing my temples. 

"You saw her for what 5 minuets Demi" Kelsey laughed, shutting her phone off and looking from the tv to me.

"God she was sexy as hell though" I exclaimed, falling back onto the couch dramatically, fanning myself with my hair. 

"Demetria, control yourself" She laughed. 

"I haven't had sex in months, leave me alone" I sighed. 

"Someone's horny" Kelsey laughed and I groaned.

"Yeah I am, and that foreign language turned me on" I sighed.

"girl, that's a problem I can't fix. I mean I could, but I don't want to" She laughed nervously and I rolled my eyes.

"I kinda wanna go back just to go learn more about her" I sighed and she laughed.

"you're so fucking whipped and you only met her for like 5 minuets Demi" Kelsey chuckled.

"I know" I sighed, starring at the TV.

I spent the rest of that day in a cloud of the girl at the coffee shop . . . 

The next morning, I woke up and got ready, before leaving with my body guard to the shopping center. 

I walked in with my body guard and walked up to the counter seeing a older women at the counter.

"Hello" She said, a strong Italian accent dripping from her voice. 

"Hello" I smiled and I saw the girl from yesterday come in.

"Hey, you're Demi right? That's what I was told yesterday when a teenage girl came in that you preformed here yesterday" The girl shrugged and I nodded.

"That I am" I smiled.

"Want anything" She asked and I shrugged.

"Anything I can help you with?" She asked and I wanted to ask about the girl from yesterday, but I didn't wanna come off weird.

Oh fuck it.

"Is the girl from yesterday here?" I asked and she looked at me for a moment confused, and then something clicked and she smiled.

"Spencer? She's not here she's at our family restaurant, anything you wanted from her?" She asked and I felt my face drop before I put a small fake smile on my face.

 "No" I shook my head imeadtily, and she raised an eyebrow. 

"Why'd you want Spencer?" She asked and I frowned.

"No Reason" I shrugged dragging out the words a little. 

"Why you lying?" She asked, a small laugh leaving her lips and I frowned.

I sighed and plopped down in the chair, fiddling with my hands. 

She walked over to me and sat down across from me. 

"I know you didn't come back for no reason, and if you want nothing from Spencer, why are you here?" She asked and I slouched back into the seat, resting my hands on the table as I looked up at her. 

"Why wouldn't I come back for no reason?" I asked and she sighed.

"Because we aren't a place people like you come back to" She shrugged and I raised my eyebrow.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked.

She just shook her head and stood up.

"Sorry to bother you" She sighed and walked back to the counter.

'Well That was weird' I thought, sitting up.

"Demi, did you need anything here? If not we gotta go" I heard my body guard say and I sighed but nodded.

"Wait, what's her name? Like full name" I asked and she perked up.

"Spencer, Spencer Lowe" She said and I nodded giving a small wave and we left to go meet up with Max. 

I searched her name on Instagram, and a account popped up.

I noticed it was her in the profile photo and no one else had the account like it.

I clicked the account and it ended up being private.

I sighed and clicked 'Request to Follow' before shutting my phone off and driving back home to meet up with my glam team to get ready for today's performance. 

* * * *

Wrote on: 10 / 8 / 17

Published on: 10 / 24 / 17

Word Count: 990

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