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Song: This is my Version - Conor Maynard 

(Please listen.. it fits)

*Demi's POV*

"Do you love me?" Joe asked and I sighed; leaning my head back

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"Do you love me?" Joe asked and I sighed; leaning my head back.

"What do you want the answer to be?" I replied; Joe shaking his head at me.

"What do you  want the answer to be?" He repeated my sentence, raising an eyebrow at me.

"No" I frowned and Joe sighed.

"So is the answer yes?"

"It's a maybe.."


"I think I'm in love with you both" I grumbled, getting mad at my feelings. 

"Well, let me picture it this way. Close your eyes" Joe spoke and I listened; shutting my dry; tired eyelids.

"Imagine yourself sitting in your dressing room; your hair having it's final touches; your lipstick getting perfected; and you stepping into your wedding dress... who do you see at the end of the aisle?"

"You" I whispered; a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Demetria" Joe sighed; whipping the tear off my cheek.

"I can't fucking do this!" The tears kept falling and I was getting Deja Vu from a year ago at the coffee shop.

"Demi, you're just confused" Joe tried to speak but I cut him off;

"Confused? How am I confused! I'm in fucking love with you and you fucking love Sophie and I want to love Spencer the way I love you but I fucking can't and it's frustrating because I wanna move the fuck on but don't know how to fucking do that and I feel like I'm not being their for my son and that makes me feel like a bad mom and I feel like I'm shitting on my career; letting my fans done and I don't know what the hell to do because I don't want to feel this way! I want to be at your wedding with Sophie if you get married to her... and not wish it was me" I finished in a whisper; the tears rolling down my cheek, chin / jaw and to my neck. 

"Baby, calm down" Joe sighed and I glared at him.

"I'm not your fucking baby; you dumped me; remember" I gritted my teeth, my vison blurry from the tears threating to cross my water line.

"Sorry.. Demi look at me" Joe spoke; my mind crossing back to when I was sobbing in my car after having a fight with Joe. 

I tried to look at Joe but I still had tears in my eyes so he looked very blurry.

"You've changed as a person all together Demi, you're not this teen; taking drugs and drinking to forget about last night. You're not a child playing with her dolls and coloring masterpieces; you're a grown as women dealing with past issues; everyone goes through those things. You can be in love with as many people as you want... but one of them will always top the other. I'm still in love with you; you were my second love; I have a child with you. I will always love you; but I am in love with Sophie more... or so I think. Love is a dice roll; you roll it and you get one of the out comes. I don't think you're confused about love.. and who you're in love with.. I think you're confused with who you are" Joe spoke softly and I sniffled, whipping the rest of my tears away. 

"What do you mean?"

"I think you need to go back to square one" Joe informed and I raised an eyebrow.


"I think; you need to take a breather, you're 25 Demi, she's what? 23? You're still fucking young Demi. Just because you have a child, doesn't mean you're not still young and dumb. You don't need to settle down right now. You met Spencer in a coffee shop and you're first instinct was sex. Know what my first instinct was when I met you? My first thought was that you were beautiful; and that you're eyes were very pretty; not "Oh hey, I want to jump her bones and never see her again" we dated for years; we had a child. I wouldn't spent 4 years with you, if all I wanted was sex. You told me that you and Spencer don't talk... it's seeing each other, eating and sex. Demi; you need communication. We spent hours talking to each other... how much do you even know about this girl? You've spent almost 3 years together... you on tour through those years. You've always been this "let's go on a date" or "Don't sleep! I wanna talk" kind of girl, now you seem like "Sex, food, school, work, kid, repeat" where's the girl that loved flowers; cookies and talking over movies? Having a kid doesn't change who you are Demi, it just adds to it. You shouldn't throw yourself away and just accept the first relationship you have after a heartbreak. You haven't been with anyone but Wilmer and I. I don't blame you for not knowing who you're in fucking love with because you haven't explored the world Demi! If she was the fucking love of your life, you wouldn't have let her walk away without a fight; then sit in your ex boyfriends car; sobbing to him that you're in love with him and her. If you're in love, you fight for them. You want them happy! You will put their life before yours. No matter if it kills you; you will make sure they're fucking happy. You can't be reckless in a relationship... because that's how we ended" Joe finished his lecture, ending in a strict voice and something dawned over me during this whole speech...

"Are you in love with me?" I whispered to Joe; desperate to know the answer.

What doesn't kill you makes your stronger... right?

* * * *

I did make my story a 1D book, a coming soon is up (has been for a while)

it is a Liam Payne love story.

It is called 'Just a little Different' and it's about him falling in love with a blind girl.

Written on: 4 / 27 / 18  &  4 / 27 / 18

Published on: 4 / 28 / 18

Word Count: 1060

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