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*Spencer's POV*

I walked into the coffee shop where I was meeting up with Demi that happened to be the one I worked at, and so did Hanna.

I walked up and Hanna completely ignored me, snubbing me even.

"Hanna, get over it" I rolled my eyes, getting tired of this game.

"Go to hell Spencer" she groused, whipping the tables down.

"What is your problem?!" I yelled, glad no customers where inside at the moment.

"YOU ARE THE BIGGEST COCK BLOCK IN THE WORLD" She yelled, tossing the rag on the top and I could hear her breathing quicken.


"IM NOT GAY!" She yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"THEN WHY DID YOU WANT ME TO FUCK YOU!" I questioned, my voice falling two notches down but still being pretty loud.

"I DON'T KNOW!" She hissed and I rolled my eyes.

"THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO FUCKING PISSED?!" I yelled and she was about to reply when the bell on the door sounded, telling us someone entered.

"Y'know, you can close a door but that doesn't mean it's sound proof" I heard that sexy voice say and I spun around, face to face with Demi.

"You heard all that?" I frowned, Hanna showing fear.

"I don't know if I heard it all but I got the gist that you two almost fucked and now you're fighting?" She raised a eyebrow, her smile fading a bit.

"Forget it" I huffed, walking past her and outside.

It was a good 5 minutes before Demi came outside.

I saw her take a breather before walking over to me. 

"So. How about we forget this happened, and go have a good day?" Demi suggested and I nodded, running my finger's through my hair.

"Come on Spencer" Demi encouraged, placing her hand out for me to take. 

I looked down at her hand and raised an eyebrow.

"What happened to a friendly date?" I pondered and she laughed.

God that laugh!

"who says friends can't hold hands?" She wondered. 

"Who says! Who says you're not perfect! Who says you're not worth it!" I sung and she started laughing, making a smile spread to my face. 

"You dork" She laughed, grabbing my hand with hers and lacing our fingers together" She pulled me with her as we walked down the street.

We walked in silence for a bit, before I started laughing.

"What?" She said loudly, a smile on her face as she turned to me.

"We had a great way of meeting" I chuckled and Demi squeezed my hand a little.

"Great story to tell the grandchildren eh?" She pointed out and I laughed.

"Who said we're having grandchildren?" I questioned and she laughed.

"I'd like to think if all works out one day my grandchild's gonna come in and call you granny" Demi laughed and I shoved her a little, frowning.

"DON'T MAKE ME FEEL OLD!" I whined and Demi smiled, fiddling with my fingers a bit.

 We walked around the town for a while, just talking. 

After about an hour or so, Demi's phone started ringing.

"Crap! I got rehearsals" She panicked and she dialed someone before turning to me.

"Max, my body guard is going to come pick me up, you coming with?" She asked, showing me her lovely brown eyes. 

"How are you going to preform with your cast?" I wondered and she laughed. 

"It's not a hard core cast, just a brace" She smiled and I just shrugged.

We sat down on a bench, and I saw Demi texting someone so I just took in my surroundings.

I sighed, folding my hands together and fiddling with my thumbs. 

"You alright?" Demi asked, turning her head to face me. 

"Yeah" I murmured, looking at the people walking by.

I heard a car full up, and Demi got up, holding her hand out for me to take. 

I got up, ignoring her hand and I saw her facial expression change.

I saw a man come around and he opened the door, and Demi let me go in before coming into the car as well.

Max saw me and looked at Demi.

"When we get to the venue, we need to talk" I heard his Australian accent tell Demi, making her nod. 

The car ride was pretty quiet, since I was lost in my thoughts.

We arrived and Demi got out of the car, the guy who's name is Max apparently, blocked her off from everyone.

She got me out of the car and we walked in together. 

Demi was immediately met by some people and I felt really out of place. 

I kept to myself as she was  met with like 10 people.

"Spencer needs a pass so she doesn't get thrown out" I heard Demi tell some blonde haired person. 

"Uh, Phil might have one" She responded and Demi nodded. 

I saw a man come into view and I started to feel over whelmed.

"Demi! Rehearsals!" He spoke loudly and she nodded.

"I need a backstage pass for Spencer" She told him and he looked at me, then Demi and nodded.

"I'll go grab one, you go rehearse" he demanded and she nodded.

"You coming?" She asked, and dragged me with her.

"You can sit in the audience an tell me how I did" She smiled, plopping me down in the front row.

Someone came and got her ready and she climbed on stage, two other people joining her.  

She started singing and hearing her voice echo throughout the empty arena, was pretty incredible.

I was amazed by her voice at the end of her rehearsals.

She looked over at me after she drank some water.

"Alright, I have to get glammed up for tonight in an hour, so what do you want to do?" She asked, walking over to me.

I shrugged and she looked at me and a huge smile spread across her face.

"I have a idea!" She expressed and I raised an eyebrow before being pulled by Demi. 

* * * * 

Who is watching the AMA's tonight?? I ammm!!! Gotta see Demi and Niall and Shawn preform haha. I only watch for the performances tbh.

A/N: I noticed it didn't add Spencer's outfit to that one chapter.

So here it is:

Written on: 11 / 19 / 17

Published on: 11 / 19 / 17

Word Count: 1095

Life as a Secret *lesbian Story*Where stories live. Discover now