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A/N: for those wondering why spencer's chapters were "paranormal", it's because I'm setting up something now, for later in this book, so fucking deal with it :)

Also, chapter dedicated to: @KatieMangham 

Thanks for the comment on chapter 9 :)

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"Spence, we need to leave. Fuck this shit" Sofia whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"Saf, calm down" I grumbled, picking my bag up.

"Thank you for communicating with us.  We are going to go home to sleep. This is my last question to you " I spoke, pausing, taking a deep breath. 

"Should we come back" I asked, Sofia smaking my arm.

"I . . . . later . . . . love . . . . . . piper" 

I smiled.

"Goodbye" I soke and I turned off the EVP box and we packed up and made our way out.

When we got in the car, I was driving home since Sofia was a little scared.

"Saf, will you hold the camera please" I asked and she nodded. 

"alright, let'recape what happened tonight" I spoke, looking out the window then turning the corner.

"We arrived, we explored, we split up, we heard a long bang, scared us shitless -" I paused, turning the corner, taking a shallowed breath.

"I met up with Sofia, we followed the noise, came to a bathroom, saw the name 'Demi' on the wall with a red heart around it, looking like blood then we did those EVP's, learned about someone named Piper. I'd call this an eventful night" I beamed, looking over at the camera then back on the road.

When we made it home, Sofia stayed the night and the next morning, I said goodbye to Sofia before I went to work at the coffee shop, before going to school for the day.

When I got home, I did my schoolwork before I started going through the footage from last night, getting some amazing reveals. 

When I finished editing, I knew I'd post the video tomorrow night, wanting to watch it again when I was less tired.

I posted the video and got a great reaction from it.

I had talked to Demi a few times today, and she was flying out to California tonight, we talked about maybe meeting up, but she said she had to do stuff while she was off tour for 48 hours.

She ended wanting me to fly out to a show, to hang out with her, but flying seems a little much, to just hang out with someone plus with school and work.

We talked over Instagram dm's for a while though, getting to know each other.

I hung out with Sofia a little more throughout the week.

It felt nice, getting into the swing of things.

Moving out of my parents home, to my best friends house across the country really through my routine out of place.

It felt nice having a steady routine and I was looking at getting a puppy to have around.

Living by yourself get's pretty lonely at times.

I would get a roommate, but I don't want to go through what I did with my parents, when finding a roommate.

A few days passed and I gave it serous thought about getting a puppy, I had two breeds in mind that I was looking into, wanting to have my puppy have a happy life. 

A dog needs to have the correct environment for it's needs and I wanted to make sure I had what he or she needed, before I proceeded within getting the dog.

I talked to Hanna about my dog investment, and she thought it'd be a good idea as long as I fit what she or he needed.

 I ended up DMing Demi about it, since she has bought three dogs before, and I've never owned a dog.

I know the basics and I learned more from the internet.

She told me about how she adopted her current dog Batman, and I felt a little more relaxed about it.

I decided i'd give it a while, before I invested in a dog since they are a lot of money and responsibility, plus you gotta be home a lot with a puppy, which I am not.

I snuggled in my bed, just googling dog Instagrams and I had cuteness overload. 

I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face, and damn did it feel good.

* * * * 

Written on: 11 - 5 - 17  -  11 - 6 - 17 

Published on: 11 / 8 / 17

Word Count: 738

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