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A/N: I love the people who say they felt uncomfortable with the last chapter, like . . . I feel you haha

*Spencer's POV*

Demi and I got dressed in the living room, and I felt a smile fall upon my face.

"Thank you" I whispered, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"For what?"

"Taking me back" I kissed her cheek, not being able to take the smile off my face.

"I so happen to be falling in love with you, so I couldn't resist" Demi smirked and I giggled.

"Well, unlike you, I have a son I need to go pick up, but first. I say this weekend we go on a date" Demi smiled, resting her hands in the pockets of my jeans.

"I say, before I call you my girlfriend, and before you meet Colby. We should go on some dates and see how it works out over time. I don't want to go to fast, then fuck it up when you and Colby meet" She sighed and I raised an eyebrow.

"Demi . . . we just had sex" I cackled which made her laugh a deep throaty laugh which made a huge smile spread across my face.

"Well I can't resist you" She smirked making me shake my head.

"When this weekend?" I questioned, watching Demi slip on her shoes.

"Friday afternoon? Colby is in preschool till 2, so like noon?" She asked, zipping up her heels.

"Also, I promise I'm not fucking and ditching you, I actually came over here to talk, then I needed to go get Colby" She sighed and I nodded.

I watched her leave after we agreed, and I called up Hanna on facetime, telling her the news from today.

I told her I needed to plan a trip out to Utah for a video, and she denied coming with me, making me wonder who I was gonna take with me.

I looked into Demi's biological father and Piper, not finding out to much, knowing I needed to find a way to ask Demi about it.

I remember Demi telling me to request to follow her private account, so I did just that.

When I arrived at the Café, getting to work I was surprised to see one of my friend from school in there.

I ignored them, going into the back room telling Adriana hello.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek, before asking how my wound was.

I wasn't allowed to work, but I wanted to get out of the house.

When I got the call from Safia, that she was bringing Oliver home I was absolutely ecstatic.

I got my coffee, before going back to my apartment, thankful I grabbed my car not wanting to walk home again.

As I passed the park I heard Demi in, I thought about how much that one park changed my life.

When I got home, I saw Oliver and he ran up to me, acting like nothing was ever wrong.

I spent that night, snuggling my Australian shepherd, and talking with Safia

I spent that night, snuggling my Australian shepherd, and talking with Safia

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