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*Spencer's POV*

"I'm not afraid of you" I challenged back and she shrugged.

"Then come and get it" She mumbled as I walked closer to her.

"Please give me my phone back" I sighed, standing about arms length away from her.

"Come get it. It's right here, not going anyway" She said huskily.

"Hanna" I pleaded and she starred at me, breathing a little heavier then normal.

"If you want your phone, just take it" She grumbled and I walked closer to her.

"Please Hanna" I begged, not wanting to reach into her bra to grab my phone from her.

She kept her stance and I sighed.

"fine" I groused.

I went to reach into her top when she grabbed my hand and spun me around, pinning me against the wall.

I groaned, her body pressed against mine.

"Opps" She whispered in my ear.

She took my hands and she pulled them up to her breasts.

"It's rigtht here Spencer" She whispered in my ear, her lips sucking on my ear lobe, biting it a little making me let out a small moan.

"Hanna" I whispered, not wanting to cross this line.

She moved down to my neck, sucking and biting little area's before looking into my eyes.

She moved my hand tot he cut of her shirt, and she stuck my hand in my shirt.

I felt my phone and I gripped onto it.

She felt it move against her and she pulled my hand out, my phone in my hand and she starred at me.

She took my phone and tossed it onto the ground and I huffed

"Hanna" I whined.

She gave me a small smile before pinning my hands about my head.

she leaned forward and her soft pink lips met the corner of my lip, pecking it lightly.

"Gonna protest?" She whispered, her hot breath hitting my lip and I felt myself quiver.

"Hanna" I whispered.

"If you don't want it, tell me to stop" She whispered in my ear, her hips pushing against mine, her knee separating my thighs.

Her knee was in-between my legs, her thigh pushed against my clothed vagina.

She pushed up with her thigh, making the pressure under me a little less bearable.

She assaulted my neck with her lips and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want this to continue, but she was my best friend and I didn't want to cross this line . . . 

"Hanna, we can't" I whispered, trying to get out of her grasp.

"Spence, all you gotta do is tell me know" she mumbled, her lips almost touching mine.

She laid a soft peck on my lips and I took a hitched breath.

One hand let go of my wrist, but the other held onto both. 

It sucked because she was stronger then me.

Her hand met the fringe of the shirt I was wearing, and she slowly moved her hand up my shirt, reading my bra.

Her fingers lightly touched it, before giving my right breast a rough squeeze making a moan escape my lips.

"Hanna" I spoke desperately, wanting her to touch me but also wanting her to let go of me. 

Life as a Secret *lesbian Story*Where stories live. Discover now