After David

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It was dark out, though the moonlight poured from the sky like the milk of a god that required no sustenance and instead was satisfied with only the beauty of the soft rays. It splashed down and it developed everything in a watery white-silver glow,  illuminating everything. 

Garrett sat on the ground, with his back up against a cars tire. His knees were up and he hung his hands off his knees. He stared at the blood dripping from his hands onto the asphalt for a while, but now the blood was dry.

Jessica was next to him, holding a bible she had found in on of the abandoned cars. The bible was left behind for things more useful. "The bible says, 'Thou shalt not murder,'" Jessica began to say, "Yet God says to Joshua, 'Go in and clean house, and don't leave anything breathing! Don't leave a donkey, child, woman, old man or old woman breathing. Wipe out Jericho.'" She needed Garrett to feel better.

She didn't get any response from him. So she continued, "So I would vindicate Joshua therefore vindicating you by saying that in this setting, with the relationship between God and his people, it was right for Joshua to do what God told him to do, which was to annihilate the people..... What you did was right."

Still Garrett stared at his blood covered hands, he felt dirty, because he was. The blood wasn't just on his hands, there was alot on his shirt and his face. "'Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.' That was Genesis 9:6." Jessica got up and left after that, but a short while later Dave sat down next to him.

A few minutes went by before Dave began to talk. "I came over to tell you that you did the right thing. I'm just not sure how to say it." He smiled and let out a small chuckle, then his smile faded. "What I said before, about people dying. Its true, we can't stop it. But we can try." 

Garrett still just stared at his hands. "How many people have you killed?" Dave asked him.

Garrett suddenly came to life as his legs dropped so they were parallel to the asphalt and his hands went down to his sides. "I don't know." He mumbled. "Too many to keep track of now."

"How many Walkers have you killed?" Dave asked him.

Garrett cleared his throat. "I've killed far more Walkers than people."


Why rang in his head. Why was he killing others? Why did it all start? He couldn't even remember the first person he killed anymore. "Because." He began talking before he realized it. "I killed those people because they came after us. I killed them because they tried to kill my family....I did it so you all could be alive.....because I could be alive for everyone."

The bodies of David Leagues's people, including David Leagues himself, lie where they fell. 

Silence fell over the two of them yet again. Dave did all he could do. He quietly crept away from Garrett to leave him alone with his thoughts. 

"What do we do with the bodies?" Ryan asked as Dave came over towards him and Geoff. 

"We leave them where they were, let them turn. If they turn while we are still here then we get to kill them again." Dave violently stated. He wanted David Leagues dead as much as anyone else. 

"What about Rebekah?" Jessica asked quietly as if she was being careful not to wake a baby. 

"Leave her too, there is no time for a burial." He said with sad eyes. 

As the others continued the conversation, Lucas slowly walked up to Garrett who was still covered in blood, she could tell that much in the moonlight. He didn't make eye contact with her either. "May I sit?" She asked gently, not knowing how he would react. 

She waited for a response for several seconds before sitting down in the exact same spot Dave had sat. Words used to come between them easily but now, she struggled to find the words.

"I'm sorry....." A soft cry came from Garrett. She was shocked when he said the first words. Lucas looked over at him, and he was crying but yet he still tried to remain strong. It seemed as if the tough, leader in him and the small child in him were having a battle of emotions, and the small child was winning. "I'm sorry about Clayton...."

He cried for the baby that Lucas was carrying, the baby that will never get to be raised by a father and by a mother. A child that would never get to know their father. He also cried because he knew he would never have a true family of his own. 

She wanted to tell him that it was okay and that it was not his fault that Clayton had died. But she couldn't bring herself to tell him that, even though she wanted too. She didn't know alot about love, but she knew Clayton was her true love, and nothing would tell her different.

She did not say anything as she got up and left Garrett once again, alone.




Once day broke, the group continued their way down the road. Geoff was still the man in charge of the group due the Garrett's sanity. Geoff gave a speech to everyone before they continued their journey down the road and it echoed in Garrett's head.

Geoff stood on top of a car, looking at each person individually. "The people out here, they'll hunt us, they'll find us......they'll try to take things from us and they'll try to kill us.....but I know we can beat them because we have each other. You can't do this by yourself anymore, I don't even know if you could do it yourself to begin with. As long as we have each other, we can do anything."

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